Guess who's back (and got a new suit)?

Hey, how are you? Good, I hope. I’m doing fine too, a bit swamped with work and writing and whatnot, but that’s to be expected from time to time. I’m sorry that I’ve been neglecting you of late, it was never my intention. You see, I thoroughly enjoy filling you up with…

Err, yeah. That just got weird, didn’t it?

What I wanted to say was that I’ve missed writing here, at The posts and essays I publish here tend to lead to discussions and quips about this and that, something I enjoy. It’s also a pretty bad thing to not have a living site, especially since I’m and author and all that. So I figured I’d ease back into it, publishing an essay a week here, along with some shorter pieces when I feel like it.

The, as of writing, current theme, called TDH12

Oh yeah, you might’ve noticed that things are looking a bit different around here. While I found the previous iteration (as the one before that) of the site looked and worked well enough, it’s good to shake things up every now and then. With this design, I wanted to make sure that the site was easy to read (it’s mostly text), and that the readers didn’t miss my books. There are still some bits and pieces that I need to sort out, but I think it’s a pretty good start.

Found something funky? Email tdh at tdh dot me or tweet to @tdh. Thanks!

I think that’s about it. I really just wanted to say hi and welcome back. I can’t wait to get back to writing about, err, writing, gadgets and gear, tech, books, music, games, and all that other stuff I’ve been going on about over the years. If that interest you, be sure to sign up for the newsletter (undergoing a revamp – back soon!) and follow me on Twitter. There’s also a RSS feed, for those old school netizens out there.

Until next time then.