Tag: things

  • Resonate


    We all resonate with different things. That makes some things work better for us than others, no matter if the difference between the options are large or small.

    Take fitness trackers, which are all doing the same thing. Sure, some measure your pulse, others are great as vibrating alarm clocks, and the apps where all your data is displayed is more or less useful, but in the end they’re all essentially the same. Different design, same type of thing. I can vouch for that, because I’ve tried most of the leading brands, and some of the off-brands as well.

    So why is it then, that one fitness tracker might work for a person, where another doesn’t?


  • How Many Books?

    How many books do you get to keep?

    That thought just struck me. When I sold my house I gave away almost all my books, but now I’ve got some more room so I’m indulging myself, keeping books I like instead of passing them on. But how many are you allowed to have? A bookshelf? Two bookcases? Perhaps more, as long as you don’t have more than three boxes in the basement?

    My former self would say ALL THE BOOKS and scoff at this notion, but I don’t think it is that easy anymore.
