Tag: Twitter

  • Instagram is now bigger than Twitter

    Instagram passes Twitter:

    Instagram now has a bigger active user base than Twitter, according to a blog post written today by CEO Kevin Systrom. The photo and video sharing platform has over 300 million active users, more than Twitter’s 284 million but a far cry behind parent company Facebook’s 1.3 billion.

    This is, obviously, the service Twitter should’ve bought.

  • Twitter to start snooping in your phone

    Twitter will start snooping in your phone to see what apps you have installed, to be able to send more tailored ads your way. From their very own support document:

    To help build a more personal Twitter experience for you, we are collecting and occasionally updating the list of apps installed on your mobile device so we can deliver tailored content that you might be interested in. If you’re not interested in a tailored experience you can adjust your preferences at any time (read below). Additionally, if you have previously opted out of interest-based ads by turning on “Limit Ad Tracking” on your iOS device or by adjusting your Android device settings to “Opt out of interest-based ads,” we will not collect your apps unless you adjust your device settings.

    First of all: fuck no! Turn this off, at the vey least.

    Second, if this isn’t incentive to limit ad tracking in your mobile device’s settings, I don’t know what is. Go and do that now if you haven’t already.

    And finally, third, this is just the official Twitter app snooping around, third-party apps won’t necessarily do this. Granted, the market for third-party Twitter app is strained at best, with Twitter slowly killing it off while trying to limit the backlash of their actions. If snooping around is in their business model (which it is, since ads are their way of making money), you should probably stay clear of their apps.

    These are not the actions of a company that means well.

  • Twitter's troubled future

    Twitter outlines their near future plans in a blog post. This struck me:

    For instance, we’re experimenting with better ways to give you what you come to Twitter for: a snapshot of what’s happening. We can use information like who you follow and what you engage with to surface highlights of what you missed and show those to you as soon as you log back in or come back to the app.

    A catch up feature, which I doubt I’d use but assuming it’s not obtrusive, I’d at least not hate it. Problem is, every time Twitter has fiddled with giving its users more relevant or useful tweets in the timeline, they fuck it up. Getting people you follow’s favorites springs to mind.


  • Twitter acquires Twitpic

    Twitter acquires Twitpic, says the latter in a post.

    We weren’t able to find a way to keep Twitpic independent. However, I’m happy to announce that we have reached an agreement with Twitter to give them the Twitpic domain and photo archive, thus keeping the photos and links alive for the time being. Twitter shares our goal of protecting our users and this data. Also, since Twitpic’s user base consists of Twitter users, it makes sense to keep this data with Twitter.

    This is obviously a PR move on Twitter’s behalf. After the easily ridiculed turn of events surround Twitpic, the whole thing smells of a mercy thing. I hope Twitpic’s happy wih this, and that this whole mess is done and over with now.

  • Twitpic's shutting down, again

    Twitpic’s shutting down again. I would just go ahead and export my images, had I been a Twitpic user, because it’s never a good sign when a service is fiddling about like this.

  • Game Boy Twitter

    I don’t understand much of this page, mostly the pictures really, but the important thing is that there’s a Twitter client for Game Boy Color. One of the better ways to start a new week, wouldn’t you agree? Too bad it turned out to be an April Fools hoax… Thanks @pontushellgren.

  • Excuse the mess, site update in progress

    Stuff will misbehave for a bit, I’m afraid. A proper update on what’s going on here’ll be online later tonight.

    Alright, I think most things are working now. If you find something funky here, ping @tdh on Twitter please.

    There are things on my todo list, so this is by no means a finished project. Sites never are. I’m a firm believer in an early 1.0 though, and then iterations after that, so here we are. Enjoy.

  • Put Down Your Phone

    There’s a video doing the rounds called I Forgot My Phone which I found very telling about today’s social interactions. Watch it.

    My iPhone is always with me. I communicate a lot using the iPhone, almost never utilizing the phone part, but rather through Twitter, App.net or messages. Sometimes I kill time on Tumblr, and I read a lot on my iPhone. In my weakest moment, I might even open the Facebook app.

    I don’t watch the world through my phone though. The times I go to a concert, I don’t take a ton of crappy photos or make Vine movies out of every little thing. It ruins the experience, both for me and everybody else. That said, the iPhone is my primary camera, because it’s the one I carry with me.

    I write a lot on my iPhone, and I’m not only talking about the novel project. I also take a lot of notes.

    The iPhone is a powerful tool, just like most smartphones out there.

    However, it’s also addictive. Suddenly you’re not eating unless you’re instagramming, you don’t exist until you check in, and you better refresh your Twitter feed every third second so that you don’t miss out on anything. It’s fascinating how quickly this behavior embedded itself in our spines, making us collectively forget every ounce of our manners.

    I’m not perfect, and I’m easily bored. My iPhone’s a savior more often than not. I’ve been that rude douche who picks up his phone and starts fiddling with it while in a conversation at times, something I’m not proud of and try not to do. It’s socially acceptable to a degree that still astounds me.

    Don’t throw away your smartphone. Keep reaping the benefits of technology, and by all means don’t stop communicating through the web. But do consider the world outside of your screen, preferably slightly more than how it’d look with your favorite Instagram filter.

  • The Writers Twitter List

    I bet you’ve heard of Twitter, that 140 character soap box that media keep referring to as a “social network”? I’m @tdh over there, and I’m a great fan of this particular method of procrastination. Among the things I like about Twitter is that it can get you in touch with people otherwise inaccessible. I’ve spoken to everything from developers to musicians, and of course to fellow writers, be they literary wordsmiths, freelancing penmonkeys, pretentious poets, or something entirely different.

    A few months ago I started to collect all these writer types in a list. Yep, Twitter lets you make your very own lists, which is incredibly handy if you like me don’t want to read every little thing everyone writes, all the time. The Writers Twitter list is 200 writers strong, and although I do have a lot of these folks in my main feed as well, I feel that a list can be very handy.  (more…)

  • Nominera till @sweden

    Tycker du att det bara är pundhuvuden som får vara @sweden på Twitter? Nominera själv då!

  • Social media diet

    I was pointed to Per Håkanssons post about his social media diet by Mikael Pawlo, and I found it interesting. Per is quitting a bunch of services, such as Instagram, Google+ and Linkedin, to focus on more important matters. This quote pretty much sums up why he’s taking this somewhat drastic approach:

    I miss the days when you could go out and eat with a bunch of friends and focus on the conversation and not the latest pings, notifications and checkins on your mobile device.

    I see this a lot, people who feel that social media is interfering with their conversations and relationships in the physical world. But here’s the thing: Quitting social media won’t change this.


  • Talk is cheap, especially on Twitter when the subject is complicated

    I love Twitter, 140 characters truly brings you down to the essence of whatever you want to say. Sometimes it gets a bit rich though, like this statement from Gustav von Sydow (@vonsydow) about tablet magazines:

    Compared to what it could and should be, tablet magazines must be one of the least well executed media experiences of all time.

    To be fair, Gustav von Sydow isn’t the only one expressing this point of view about tablet mags, and at a glance you’ll probably nod your head and agree.

    The problem is that you are probably wrong and you just haven’t realized it yet.


  • En vecka med @tdh

    Det är nu lite drygt en vecka sedan jag slog över för att twittra enbart från mitt före detta engelska konto, @tdh. Nu är alltså @tdh mitt standardkonto, vilket jag beskriver desto mer ingående, inklusive anledningarna och hur jag resonerat samt gör, i den här posten.

    Så hur har det gått? Hur många har skrikit ut sin vånda över att gamla @tdhse bara innehåller länkar (samt en och annan påminnelse om bytet till @tdh) till sådant jag skriver på svenska online?


  • Twitterkonsolidering

    Som ni kanske vet så har jag haft två huvudsakliga Twitter-konton under lång tid. Under @tdhse har jag länge twittrat på svenska, och det är också där jag har följt svenska twittrare. Tidigare hade jag @tdhedengren för engelskt twittrande, ytterst sporadiskt, men efter att jag lyckades få loss @tdh har min aktivitet där ökat. Jag twittrar alltså på engelska med @tdh.

    Två Twitter-konton är ingen bra idé. Det splittrar konversationen och det ena blir hela tiden underprioriterat, för var skickar jag den där smarta tweeten eller frågan? Tills nu har @tdh varit kontot som fått stiga till sidan, merparten av konversationerna är trots allt på svenska med svenskar. Samtidigt känns det väldigt dumt, “TDH” är ju jag, mitt varumärke, så varför ska jag använda @tdhse då? (more…)

  • Hashtaggen har blivit folklig

    Det är intressant att se hur fenomen efter fenomen finner sin plattform på sociala mikrobloggplattformen Twitter (ja, du kan följa @tdhse). Någon börjar med en hashtag, alltså ett brädstaket (#) följt av ett ord som helst inte ska innehålla åäö eller några specialtecken för att Twitter-apparna ska kunna göra det sökbart, och sedan bär det av. Hela hashtaggarfenomenet är intressant i sig, ett bruk som fötts av användarna från första början, en önskan att samla tweets inom samma ämne på något vis. #vadsomhelst och du är där.
