I was sad to hear about composer John Barry’s demise. While he isn’t credited the James Bond theme, which has an interesting story, there’s no doubt that his hands on it made it what it is today. Oh, and he did a ton of other things as well. I’ll celebrate his memory by watching Dr. No tonight.
Month: January 2011
Fullscreen as a productivity booster
Usually when I write a blog post on a computer I do so in a text editor. I prefer software like OmmWriter, WriteRoom and Scrivener, rather than full-fledged word processors like Pages, OpenOffice or Word. In fact, I could go on about why that last one is a trojan from Hell, but that’s a completely different matter.
OmmWriter (my most recent favorite when it comes to text composing) shares one thing with WriteRoom and Scrivener: It has a fullscreen mode. It also does one thing better than the other two, and that’s automatically shutting off Growl, the notification service most diehard Mac users find indispensable for interruptions during the day. Smart thinking there. (more…)
Is Egypt online?
This site answers this very important question. If you’re interested in these things, you should check out the rebuilding project as well.
Klickar någon på det här?
Spam är kul. Idag kom det här till mig och många andra. Klickar någon tro? Kanske om de är kunder i Nordea (vilket jag alltså inte är), men ärligt talat – det är ju så… så… så… fel!
Yes, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition is for WordPress 3.1+
For those of you who wondered – yes, the 2nd Edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog is written for WordPress 3.1 and above. You should be able to pre-order it from Amazon and other fine online retailers if a few week’s time.
Another great thing about the new admin bar in WordPress 3.1
I wrote a post on the new admin bar in WordPress 3.1 previously, but I would like to highlight another great thing with it: It incorporates the edit link on single posts and pages. This means we can cut this from themes if we want to. Sweet.
Smashing WordPress Themes now available on Kindle
I’m happy to report that Smashing WordPress Themes: Making WordPress Beautiful is not only available now in paperback, but also out now for you Kindle platform of choice
. I haven’t seen the Kindle version yet, but I bet it rocks…!
Why I prefer text over video
Video is the new black online. Don’t write, record or livestream, says some, while others add that moving images convey so much more than words can. I agree, video is great, and someone half decent at talking and presenting will get a lot more through in mere minutes than could be done with text in the same amount of time.
But I still prefer text over video. Almost every time.
It’s not that I don’t think video works, it’s what it forces from me. I can’t easily save a link for offline viewing later, like I do with interesting reads using Instapaper, and I can’t watch video in bed without headphones. Video demands more focus, multitasking is out of the question if you want to take in the information presented in a video. (more…)
BuddiPhone might be one to watch
A new plugin called BuddiPhone sets out to make your BuddyPress powered WordPress community more accessible on your iOS device (being iPads and iPhones). The teaser screenshot on the landing page certainly looks clean enough, albeit a bit too close to the official Facebook iPhone app in my opinion.
Might be one to watch. Props for the name are in order, no matter what!
The iPad is the perfect tool for meetings
I enjoyed Ben Brooks’ post about how the iPad is great for meetings. In fact, the last few larger ones I’ve been to have all featured one or two people (beside myself) sporting an iPad as the primary note-taking device. I do think that Brooks forgot about one oh so important reason why I think the iPad is ideal though.
The iPad is quiet.
A recent workshop yet again reminded me how much keyboards on the more plastic laptops sound, truly annoying when trying to focus on what’s actually being said. I might’ve been a tad sensitive though, I had a splitting headache and ran a fever, but still! The iPad is quiet, or potentially so at least since you can disable the keyboard click sounds.
Which, incidentally, I have no idea why you’d want anyway.
Smashing WordPress Themes now in stock at Amazon
I’m happy to report that Smashing WordPress Themes: Making WordPress Beautiful is now in stock at Amazon
. I got the book a few days ago and will post images and whatnot as soon as I’m feeling better. I did update the book page though.
WordPress themes coming later this week
I’ve been down and out in a nasty flu, running a fever and everything, the last few days. I’m slowly getting back up to speed and will of course deliver on my promise regarding those upcoming WordPress themes later this week. Just so you know.
Dags att bli frisk och vila upp sig
Ursäkta tystnaden här, där och på Twitter, men jag har varit sjuk ett par dagar och nu är det hög tid att skaka av sig de sista sviterna. Så väntar du svar eller respons från mig får du nog vänta tills nästa vecka. Meddelas endast på detta sätt, men det fungerar ju det med!
Things to do here on TDH.me ASAP
This post is mostly for my own sake, but since I’ve gotten quite a few questions about TDH.me and the future I figured I’d share what’s coming up, site-wise. I’m not talking about content here, but rather what fixes and tweaks I intend to get done in the coming days and possibly week. (more…)