WordPress.com have added commercial themes as an experiment, Matt Mullenweg explains why on ThemeShaper, and there’s a post on the WP.com blog too. I’m positive to this, but I do wish that they called these themes commercial themes rather than premium. More later, I’m taking this weekend off you see.
Month: February 2011
I'll write four books this year, see four books published
If you’re following me on Facebook you saw this a few weeks ago, but I figured I’d put myself under some additional pressure by publishing my book writing goals for
20102011 here as well.I’m going to write four books this year.
I’ll also see to it that four books get published this year. (more…)
Simplenote now features lists and Dropbox sync
The excellent Simplenote service now lets you do lists (with drag n’ drop and swiping) as well as synch your text files to Dropbox as well. You need to be a premium subscriber for these features, which is fine by me. Incidentally, the iOS app for Simplenote is really, really good. I’ll be giving this a go for sure.
Miniature versions of popular TV shows
This is so awesome, miniature versions of TV shows. I especially like Californication, which shouldn’t come as any surprise since that’s my favorite.
Andra utgåvan av Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog lämnad till förlaget
För en liten stund sedan skickade jag in den sista filen till Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition. Boken utkommer i april (säger förlaget) och är uppdaterad till WordPress 3.1. Det känns oerhört skönt att ha skickat in den här, author review-processen (där redaktörer plockar sönder din älskling och ifrågasätter allt) har varit pressad och onödigt påfrestande på grund av sjukdom.
Men nu är det klart!
Som vanligt skriver jag mer om det här på TDH.me, en mer naturlig punkt för mitt engelskspråkiga skrivande. Vill du hålla dig a jour med dylikt rekommenderar jag även Facebook-sidan, samt mitt engelska Twitter-konto @tdhedengren. (more…)
Look for the second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog in April
Today I delivered the last part of the manuscript for the second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. The first edition, which came out in late January last year, have sold well (we’re talking tens of thousand books here) and my publisher (Wiley) are obviously happy with it.
The second edition, which should be able for pre-order from Amazon and other fine online retailers, is due in April this year. It is fully updated for WordPress 3.1, with lots of new examples, concepts and whatnot. I’m pretty happy with it actually, and I believe you will be too. While time and space was limited, I do feel that it adds a lot of value, hopefully enough for fans of the first edition to want to pick up the second edition. At least that’s how I’ve written it, and I hope you’ll agree that it merits a second buy. (more…)
Så många twittrar i Sverige – eller?
Det har gjorts en Twitter-undersökning, publicerad av Dagens Media, som David Hall plockar isär. Bra där, själv har jag för mycket på bordet för att dyka in mer än så här just nu.
Supersnabb server för WordPress #wpse
Vill du köra supersnabb WordPress-nischad server så vet Jonathan Sulo hur du sätter upp den. Bokmärk!
The bbPress plugin is alive and well
I did some test runs last week on forum software for a client, and while I think Vanilla is an excellent forum solution it still has a way to go with the WordPress integration. That’s why I’m happy to see that the bbPress plugin project is moving forward. Can’t wait to try that alpha!
Hey @shawnblanc @brooksreview @jblanton, what about Flattr?
It’s nice to see Readability getting some press, with nice thoughts from Shawn Blanc, Ben Brooks and Justin Blanton among others. I especially like Blanc’s thoughts about Readability rewarding poor design, they’re interesting. The solution would of course be to use Flattr instead, as I pointed out in my post.
USA Today are happy with their iPad app
Interesting story over at The Telegraph about USA Today’s success with their iPad app, which incidentally is free and ad-supported. I still think that’s the way to go.
Vad som komma skall för TDH.se
Om du är nyfiken på framtiden för TDH.se, alltså vad som kommer om någon vecka eller två, så kikar du med fördel på TDH.me, min engelska blogg. Inte klart på något vis, men en fingervisning i alla fall.
Get the lowdown on VOD in the Nordics by @paulamarttila
The always excellent Paula Marttila gives us the lowdown on video on demand in the Nordics, which is to say Scandinavia, which in turn is located in the North of Europe, in case you didn’t know. Covering Voddler, Headweb and upcoming players (get it?), this is a nice overview if you want to know more about the region that sparked Spotify.
Basecamp Mobile is great news
I love Basecamp and I love my mobile (which translates to iOS) devices. Unfortunately, I haven’t found the perfect app for Basecamp yet, and now I might not have to. The launch of Basecamp Mobile is truly promising, albeit without an offline mode of course. Sweet.
Basecamp Mobile är dagens bästa nyhet
Det här gör mig så glad: Basecamp Mobile är bättre än någon app jag testat.