Month: February 2017

  • Pre-order Haunted Futures

    Haunted Futures, cover by Gábor Csigas

    Lots of book news at the moment. Anyway, I’m happy to announce that Haunted Futures is out on May 2nd this year, published by the excellent Ghostwoods Books. Haunted Futures is an anthology about the future featuring authors like Warren Ellis, Jeff Noon, Tricia Sullivan, SL Huang, Greg Stolze, as well as Thord D. Hedengren (that would be yours truly), among others.

    My story in Haunted Futures is called Futures Past and it’s a pretty dark thing. I like it, and I hope you will too.

    From the book page:

    You can’t see far, and the footing is uncertain at best. Ghosts and phantoms stalk the haze around you, and their chittering will lead you astray. There are no maps to this territory, but sometimes a brave soul strides out ahead into the haunted shadows. Those who return to the campfire of the now often bear tales of the visions seared into their minds while they were out there, in the mists.

    We have scoured the earth for these most daring of travelers – the ones who have ventured out into the future and returned wraith-laden. Fifteen of them agreed to share their stories. Their enthralling accounts will seize you, and you might find it difficult to fight free of them afterwards, but any risks are overshadowed by the dazzling wonders that await. So muster your courage, and dive into the pages. Haunted Futures of all kinds await you, with open arms and suspiciously toothy smiles.

    Some linkage seem appropriate:

    Again, Haunted Futures is due on May 2nd, 2017. Please pre-order it if you think it sounds like your thing, because pre-orders matter a lot to sales.

  • Listen to 5 minutes of the Ashen Sky audio book

    Curious about the recently released Ashen Sky audio book? You’re in luck, because there’s a five minute preview available. Just press play, sit back, and enjoy the soothing voice of your narrator Leeman Kessler, reading the first five minutes of Ashen Sky.

    You can currently buy the Ashen Sky audio book from Amazon or listen to it on Audible.

  • Ashen Sky now available as an audio book

    I’m happy to announce that Ashen Sky, my post-apocalyptic novella in three parts, is now available as an audio book too! The book’s read by the excellent Leeman Kessler, who was a delight to work with, and is available through Amazon or directly from Audible. While you can still buy the ebook directly from me, I haven’t gotten around to offer the audio book yet.

    Ashen Sky, the audio book

    The audio book cover is a variation of the original ebook cover. Gábor Csigás was yet again responsible. I’m very happy with the result, if you’re looking for a cover artist you should definitely talk to Gábor.

    I’d also like to thank Malin for bearing with me on listening through the recordings, over and over again, and Salomé for her invaluable help.

    Now, if you would be so kind, please go listen to Ashen Sky, and tell your friends who prefer books in audio format to give this one a go. I think it’s a pretty good story, and I hope you do too, or will if this is the first time you’ve heard of it. Pun only slightly intended.

  • Be careful with petitions

    In days like these it’s only natural to want to do something – anything! – that could help the situation. It could be buying a t-shirt (not really helping, but sure) or sign a petition to stop whatever madness it is that’s bothering you today.

    Be careful with petitions. There are several claims that petitions are being used as honeypots to get details on people that adhere to certain world-views. After all, if you sign a petition about something that’s important to you, that means that the admin of the petition will know this about you. What then happens when the admin isn’t who he or she claims to be, but rather is just hosting the petition to collect names and details on people of a certain point of view?

    Potentially dangerous, that. Be careful with your personal details online, as always.