Month: September 2020

  • Kill the Newsletter

    If you’re fed up with all those newsletters clogging up your inbox, and you don’t want to pony up for Feedbin or Feedly, then Kill the Newsletter is for you. It’s a clever little service that lets you create a unique email address for signing up to a newsletter, and then converts its issues to an Atom feed that you can subscribe to in your favorite feed reader app or service. You could even add it to Feedly in the free tier…

    I love these one thing well apps and services.

  • Food For Your Inbox

    Looking for some new newsletters to subscribe to? Then this mammoth list from InsideHook might be for you, serving up 80 newsletters across a number of topics. My only gripe with it would be that it doesn’t feature neither Switch to iPad nor RE:THORD

    I’m really enjoying the newsletter resurgence, but I know not all of you do, because it clogs up the inbox. The solution I’ve gone with is using Feedbin, a RSS service, which gives you a unique Feedbin email address for your subscriptions. That means I get (most of my) newsletters with my RSS feeds, a perfect fit if you ask me. Feedly has this feature too, nowadays, but not on the free tier. Both services are worth paying for, so pick the one you like if you want a good RSS – and newsletter subscription – service.

  • Delete Facebook and Google

    Two sites to link to whenever someone starts talking about deleting their Facebook account, or quitting Google. Talk is cheap, you know. I wish I could get out of both rackets, but it’s not possible because of work. I will, however, move my email from Google soon, possibly to HEY when they support custom domains.

  • Karl Lagerfeld’s Chanel sets

    Do you need some extravagant fashion sets in your life? Not much of that going around during a pandemic, and – let’s face it – it’s not like most of us would go to a show anyway. That doesn’t mean that they’re not cool though, like this New York Times gallery of Karl Lagerfeld’s most fabulous Chanel sets. Like it or not, those are some wild sets designed to showcase fashion…

    And yes, I might be digging deep in my Pocket reading queue. Still cool though, even if the link is from last year.

  • Don’t go to the movies

    A discussion recently led me to send this AV Club link, about going to the movies in a pandemic, to a friend. I figured it should be here too. The quote below is Dr. Abdul El-Sayed, talking about what’s so dangerous with going to a movie theatre right now.

    I’m a huge fan of movies. I really enjoy them. They’re a great way to have some fun and escape from the world—which we need, especially right now. But going to see a movie in an indoor movie theater, it’s just about the last thing I would do right now. From what we understand, the virus is transmitted through through aerosolized droplets that come out of our mouths, oftentimes when we talk or when we laugh or when we sing. And so, being in a room for two hours with a bunch of folks who are laughing at a movie, and where air is not being circulated in an efficient way, and where you don’t know who has been in there before you, that’s really hazardous exposure. I just don’t think it’s worth it.

    Dr. Abdul El-Sayed

    The whole piece, with quotes from medical professionals, is worth a read.