• WordPress 4.3 är släppt

    Det är dags att uppdatera WordPress igen, vilket du alltid ska göra omedelbums för att vara så säker som möjligt. Antingen laddar du ned WordPress från wordpress.org, eller så uppdaterar du från admingränssnittet.

    Bland nyheterna i WordPress 4.3 hittar vi sajtikoner, menyer i Anpassa-läget, samt enkelt markdown-likt stöd för dina poster. Läs mer i lanseringsbloggposten, eller testa själv.

  • WordPress 4.3 is out now

    Get your updating done, post-haste. You can download WordPress from wordpress.org, or just update from within the admin interface.

    WordPress 4.3 updates the customiser, gets rudimentary markdown-like support, and adds a function for site icons, among other things. The launch blog post lays it out for you, but obviously you could and should just test it for yourself.

  • Odd Alice fortsätter växa

    Det händer mycket på Odd Alice. Förutom balla projekt, så har vi även vuxit med hela tre personer sedan i juni. Maria Sjöberg är junior webbutvecklare, Mattias Ekendahl vår nya CTO, och Anders Norén – som börjar idag – kommer ombord som webbutvecklare. Det blir en spännande höst, med många roliga projekt.

    För egen del betyder det förändrade och mer fokuserade uppgifter, eftersom Mattias och Rickard överlappar med mig. Helt enligt plan, ska tilläggas – det kan helt enkelt bara bli bra.

  • Design specialization

    Designer Marc Newson, preaching it:

    One thing I find overrated is: specialization. Design is about solving problems; if you can’t apply that skill to a variety of things, then I don’t think you’re a good designer.

  • ABC WTF?

    Speaking of Google being wholly owned by Alphabet, and the new company’s domain abc.xyz, you might want to check out abc.wtf

  • Google is now owned by Alphabet

    Google is still Google, it’s just owned by Alphabet now. Former Google CEO, now Alphabet CEO, Larry Page tries to explain, on the Alphabet site at abc.xyz:

    What is Alphabet? Alphabet is mostly a collection of companies. The largest of which, of course, is Google. This newer Google is a bit slimmed down, with the companies that are pretty far afield of our main internet products contained in Alphabet instead. What do we mean by far afield? Good examples are our health efforts: Life Sciences (that works on the glucose-sensing contact lens), and Calico (focused on longevity). Fundamentally, we believe this allows us more management scale, as we can run things independently that aren’t very related.

    Alphabet is the umbrella company. Sundar Pichai is the new Google CEO, a Google that is supposed to be a bit slimmer. All these things are probably good for everyone involved.

  • Fastmail came through

    Fastmail came through

    In early 2013, I wrote a (surprisingly popular) piece called Fastmail failed, because they did, they really did. The post details my experience with Fastmail, which I wanted to use to replace Google Apps. In the end, I had to go back to Google Apps.

    I’m back with Fastmail, and have been for quite some time. I even moved the Odd Alice email hosting to a Fastmail business setup last year. I’ve been meaning to write about this, but for some reason I haven’t. Email isn’t very exciting, I guess. Every now and then I get an email about Fastmail, so I guess I should set the record straight.


  • Helsinki wants to kill the car

    Finnish capital Helsinki has big plans regarding public transportation, making it entirely up to you where you want to go. No more bus stops, or a need forma car within the city for that matter. The Guardian:

    Subscribers would specify an origin and a destination, and perhaps a few preferences. The app would then function as both journey planner and universal payment platform, knitting everything from driverless cars and nimble little buses to shared bikes and ferries into a single, supple mesh of mobility.

  • When I'm gone (no, not me)

    I’ve been thinking long and hard about what to write regarding the When I’m Gone piece. The only thing I can think of is this: life is fucking hard and unforgiven, and yet we do things like this. Fair warning, this story is painful, and a must read.

    Update: It’s not clear for some, but this piece is fiction.

  • Twitter and its course

    From Buzzfeed’s story on Jack Dorsey and his whirlwind of actions as the interim Twitter CEO:

    Twitter can no longer simply stay the course; it needs to chart a new one that others — users, investors, the media, and the company’s own leadership — can understand and follow.

    That’s exactly it. Twitter is in a great spot to stay relevant, but that means that they have to stop hugging their old ideas and concept. I think they’ll need to open up again, become the platform, because then developers could possibly do great things with the data, and that would be their upper hand. Sadly, I doubt that’ll happen.

  • Apple Music, explained

    Jim Dalrymple’s Apple Music woes has been sorted, sort of, although Jim’s stance on the matter is less clear now. Anyway, Joy of Tech has described how Apple Music actually works, so at least that’s good…

  • Magic glass

    I’m looking at images of Pluto and (the moon) Hydra on my phone, sent from a spacecraft that’s passing by. Science is awesome, and having a magical piece of glass and metal that gives me immediate access to that is sometimes mind boggling. Try to remember that the next time you refresh Twitter for the umpteenth time, wondering what it’s all good for.

  • Apple Music issues

    Jim Dalrymple have had some serious issues with Apple Music:

    At some point, enough is enough. That time has come for me—Apple Music is just too much of a hassle to be bothered with. Nobody I’ve spoken at Apple or outside the company has any idea how to fix it, so the chances of a positive outcome seem slim to none.

    As if all of that wasn’t enough, Apple Music gave me one more kick in the head. Over the weekend, I turned off Apple Music and it took large chunks of my purchased music with it. Sadly, many of the songs were added from CDs years ago that I no longer have access to. Looking at my old iTunes Match library, before Apple Music, I’m missing about 4,700 songs. At this point, I just don’t care anymore, I just want Apple Music off my devices.

    This doesn’t mirror my experience of Apple Music, but it points out that there are kinks left to sort out. Hopefully Apple can help Jim out, as a music lover who’s lost way too many albums over the years, for various reasons, I feel for him. Music listening is one of those things that really just has to work.

  • Jimmy Wales launches social network

    From Jimmy Wales’s manifesto for the new, ad free, social network Tpo:

    We spend your money on causes that you care about, rather than advertising.

    And you help us spread the word. To help you do that, I’ve designed a whole new social network – similar to Twitter but better – and I’m hoping it will be massive.

    So where does said money come from? Again, Jimmy Wales, replying to a question on Tpo:

    Yes, social network open to everyone, funded by a phone subscription, but 10% of your bill also goes to the cause of your choice.

  • The end of capitalism

    From the interesting Guardian piece, The end of capitalism has begun:

    It is the elites – cut off in their dark-limo world – whose project looks as forlorn as that of the millennial sects of the 19th century. The democracy of riot squads, corrupt politicians, magnate-controlled newspapers and the surveillance state looks as phoney and fragile as East Germany did 30 years ago.

    All readings of human history have to allow for the possibility of a negative outcome. It haunts us in the zombie movie, the disaster movie, in the post-apocalytic wasteland of films such as The Road or Elysium. But why should we not form a picture of the ideal life, built out of abundant information, non-hierarchical work and the dissociation of work from wages?

    Interesting thoughts in this piece, but let’s read it for what it is: A dream about the future, with some valid points, sure, but it’s not a roadmap, nor an ideology.