I know, I know, this blog is not extremely neglected, it also looks a bit dated compared to some other stuff I’m doing. Especially if you count cool things from my books. Now that just won’t do, now will it?
I’m in the process of revamping TDH.me, so if things suddenly luck totally weird and temporary, please bear with me. Most likely I will do this late one night when I feel like fiddling with something that can break. And most likely that will be done with a single malt whisky by my side, for some reason those two go hand in hand…
There’s another reason as well, and that is that I’m finally branching out to do more than just tech stuff in English. I’ll release something on Kindle (and other ebook formats) fairly soon, and it’s not about WordPress or anything like that. To make room for those things here as well, I need to do a bit of house cleaning.
And I’ll post more too. Promise.