Tag: 2013

  • 2013: Not A Year In Review

    I wish I had the discipline to keep close tabs on what the fuck I’m doing with my time, but it seems as if not even the excellent Day One app can solve this for me. In other words, this isn’t another organized recollection about stuff I’ve done the past year.

    Alexander at Odd Alice did the cover for The Writer's iPad
    I did manage to publish The Writer’s iPad

    I will share some random thoughts about my 2013 though, so that we can be over and done with it.

    I’ve failed a lot. Let’s start there.

    • Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 4th Edition (yeah that’s a mouthful) took its not so merry time. It’s all done and delivered now though, so the late Q1 launch’ll probably hold.
    • I’d wanted to publish The Writer’s iPad after the launch of the iPad Air and the iPad mini with retina display, but that didn’t happen. There’s a ton of things to blame, but I won’t because to me that’s just adding insult to the failure.
    • Remember that fantasy short story-thingy I published for free, in support of the Fireside crowdfunding campaign? Yeah, I’d wanted to finish the first story arc (three short stories at around 10,000 words each), but I didn’t. This makes me sad. I bet my freelance editor is even more sad, because he’s not getting any more money until he’s actually editing a manuscript…
    • The iPhone novel, well, that’s a tough one. I failed writing a novel on my iPhone, writing on a daily basis as the project stated. I did learn a lot though. Most of all that my outline for this particular project were completely out of sync with the mobile writing pace. The story’s done, and it’s shit right now, as many first drafts are. It’s also a bit daft, because it’s got the wrong length altogether. I’ll tally this one up as a failure that could morph into something else.
    • So you want more failures? How about not finishing the first draft of a novel, another two 10,000 word long short stories that’s on my plate, and the site you’re reading right now? There’s more though, like the shuttering of Appricorn, and probably a ton of other things that we could collectively agree to label failure.

    Quite a list, it makes me want to drink. Oh yeah, I failed to drink less too, thanks for reminding me, brain…


  • The 2013 List Of Things To Live By

    I’m not much for making New Year resolutions, I prefer to set my goals whenever they are relevant, not at a specific date. That said, this year I felt like publishing a list of things I will try to achieve in 2013. It is perhaps not as specific as some would’ve liked, but it is something at least.
