Tag: Activision

  • Activision visar sin sämsta sida

    Jag är arg på Activision, eller snarare besviken kanske. De behöver verkligen ta sig en funderare, efter att ha stoppat en trailer på YouTube – skickad till press. Tyvärr är de inte ensamma om de här dumheterna.

  • The game companies just don't get it

    Sometimes I stumble over things that just amazes me so much I have to vent. Like this thing with the game companies, which are, in what I only can see as a sign of stupidity, making YouTube remove their trailers because of copyright infringement. The latest one in the row to do that is Activision, but others (such as Ubisoft for example) have been enforcing their right to do so as well, or in other ways limited the video to non-embeddable or just viewable from the US, and so on.

    The background is this. I’m running a Swedish game blog called Spelbloggen, which in turn has a YouTube channel where we upload trailers. These trailers are supplied by the game companies for us to share with our readers. (more…)

  • Ubisoft köper Massive

    Svenska Massive Entertainment, som gjort bland annat World in Conflict, ägs nu av franska Ubisoft. Med följde nämnda spel, som troligtvis kommer släppas i konsolversion framöver. Activision sålde.