Curious about the recently released Ashen Sky audio book? You’re in luck, because there’s a five minute preview available. Just press play, sit back, and enjoy the soothing voice of your narrator Leeman Kessler, reading the first five minutes of Ashen Sky.
I’m happy to announce that Ashen Sky, my post-apocalyptic novella in three parts, is now available as an audio book too! The book’s read by the excellent Leeman Kessler, who was a delight to work with, and is available through Amazon or directly from Audible. While you can still buy the ebook directly from me, I haven’t gotten around to offer the audio book yet.
The audio book cover is a variation of the original ebook cover. Gábor Csigás was yet again responsible. I’m very happy with the result, if you’re looking for a cover artist you should definitely talk to Gábor.
I’d also like to thank Malin for bearing with me on listening through the recordings, over and over again, and Salomé for her invaluable help.
Now, if you would be so kind, please go listen to Ashen Sky, and tell your friends who prefer books in audio format to give this one a go. I think it’s a pretty good story, and I hope you do too, or will if this is the first time you’ve heard of it. Pun only slightly intended.
Varje del har sitt eget huvudtema. Först är det att överleva. I del 2 att göra det ”omöjliga” – det vill säga att ta sig upp i bergen och ovanför de gråa molnen och i del 3 är det ett nytt mål (vill inte spoila) som driver Dirk vilket ger varje del sitt eget fokus och identifikation. Spännande, mystiskt, bistert och actionfyllt är ledorden för Thord D. Hedengrens läsvärda postapokalyptiska novell.
I’m happy to announce that Ashen Sky, my post-apocalyptic novella in three parts, is launching this Wednesday (November 11, 2015). Ashen Sky is $2.99 (or your local equivalent), with your country’s VAT added. Don’t get me started on international VAT and the clusterfuck that is, that’s a topic for another time.
Back to Ashen Sky! From the (purely fictional) digital book jacket:
The gray sky looms over the broken remains of our world. Life is hard for Dirk, who’s stumbling through the wasteland. Demon grass is cutting him, and acid rain is burning his skin. Out here, far from his family, Dirk makes acquaintances that lead him upon a path he didn’t know he yearned for.
Ashen Sky is a novella in three parts, set in a post-apocalyptic world where the low-ceilinged gray sky blocks out the sun and the stars.
Amazon har släppt ut Ashen Sky, min kommande långnovell/kortroman, för förhandsbokning. $3,74 blir prislappen, eftersom Amazon lägger på svensk moms (25% på eböcker, galet nog eftersom det är 6% på tryckta), eller drygt 32 kr.
Jag visade omslaget för Ashen Skytidigare, men mer (mest) information hittar du på min engelska sajt. Och ja, Ashen Sky är på engelska, om någon undrade.
That title says it all, doesn’t it? My novella, Ashen Sky, is up for pre-order on Amazon, for $2.99 (excluding VAT for your country). Want it for your Kindle, within Amazon’s ecosystem? Then that’s the link for you.
You’ll be able to buy Ashen Sky from me on launch day. Subscribers to the RE:THORD newsletter should probably read RE:THORD 3, which came out earlier today, before clicking that Amazon buy-button…
If you’re a RE:THORD subscriber, you already know this. See how valuable that newsletter is? How can you not subscribe? Really?
Anyway. I’ve written a novella (that’s a long short story, or a short novel, whichever you please – this one’s about a third of a novel) called Ashen Sky, and I’d like to show you its cover.
Ashen Sky
The Ashen Sky cover was made by the talented Gábor Scigás, whom you should hire if you need this sort of thing. I’ll tell you more about Ashen Sky as soon as I have a release date for you. It’s going to be an ebook release through the Pale Publishing imprint. It’ll definitely be on Kindle, possibly on other platforms too.
Related, but also devoid of additional information: The Ashen Sky book page.