Tag: Christian Bale

  • Christian Bale to play Steve Jobs

    Christian Bale will play Steve Jobs in Aaron Sorkin’s movie, based on the hugely successful autobiography by Walter Isaacson. Sorkin had this to say, about Bale, to Bloomberg:

    “He has more words to say in this movie than most people have in three movies combined,” Sorkin said. “There isn’t a scene or a frame that he’s not in. So it’s an extremely difficult part and he is gonna crush it.”

    I actually think Bale will do a good job playing Steve Jobs. It’s an intense role, for an intense actor, and they’re at least somewhat alike so there won’t be too much makeup. That said, I’m not so sure this movie will be particularly good. Isaacson’s autobiography lacks focus, so I hope there’s a good script.

  • The Prestige – inte så bra som jag hoppades

    Christopher Nolans The Prestige visade sig inte vara den smarta thriller jag hoppats på. Visst, slutet har en twist, men det känns banalt och aningen väntat. Kanske är det så att fejdande illusionister sätter nivån. Jag menar, man räknar ju med att bli lurad? (more…)