Tag: lol

  • Hey, Bye

    Basecamp’s hyped email service Hey, which is invite-only and costs at least $99/year (because shorter messages carry a premium price), has a very manifesto-like website. Check it out.

    Now, if you – like me – are pissed off about not getting an invite yet, there’s always Bye instead. Bye takes a slightly different approach:

    Hey everyone—

    It’s 2020 and we need to talk about email.

    Fuck it.

    Bye is the first email service to automatically respond with an insult, and then delete every email sent to you.

    Bye is our erotic letter to email, and we’re sending it to you on the Web, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, McDonald’s kiosks and Android.

    I love things like this. Hat-tip to my buddy Alexander for sharing this gem with me.

  • ABC WTF?

    Speaking of Google being wholly owned by Alphabet, and the new company’s domain abc.xyz, you might want to check out abc.wtf

  • Apple Music, explained

    Jim Dalrymple’s Apple Music woes has been sorted, sort of, although Jim’s stance on the matter is less clear now. Anyway, Joy of Tech has described how Apple Music actually works, so at least that’s good…

  • Telia har börjat med iCloud-adresser

    Se nedan, väldigt modernt och hippt av Telia att slopa telia.se och köra med Apples icloud.com för sina e-postadresser istället.

    Telia kör iCloud (spam)

    Och ja, det här är självfallet klumpig spam. Gå inte på den, kolla alltid vem som mejlat, och använd sunt förnuft när du får konstigheter i din inkorg.