Tag: Mozilla

  • Mozilla launches iOS content blocker

    Mozilla joins the content blockers – I don’t know, arms race? – with an option of their own for iOS, called Focus by Firefox. This content blocker isn’t about stopping ads, but rather limit tracking scripts. It only works in Safari in accordance with Apple’s content blocker rules.

  • Firefox dumps Google for Yahoo

    Firefox dumps Google for Yahoo in USA, and for Yandex in Russia.

    Today we are announcing a change to our strategy for Firefox search partnerships. We are ending our practice of having a single global default search provider. We are adopting a more local and flexible approach to increase choice and innovation on the Web, with new and expanded search partnerships by country.

    China keeps Baidu, no word on Europe yet. You can still pick either search engine, just like in any other web browser. There’s also talk about more integrated Yahoo products, which brings back horrible memories of toolbars of the 90s.

  • Firefox 2 blir 3 om Mozilla själv får välja

    Jag fattar inte varför man inte gjort det redan, men nästa vecka skall man äntligen rulla ut en automatisk uppdatering av Firefox 3 till användare av tvåan. På tiden.