Tag: NES

  • The Nesticle story

    Motherboard tells the story about the NES emulator Nesticle, an interesting read for those of us who used it back in the day:

    NESticle, nonetheless, did something amazing: It allowed people to play old Nintendo games on cheap computers made by Packard Bell and other firms, and did so while introducing a number of fundamental new ways to appreciate those games. Divorced from Nintendo’s famously draconian licensing strategy, it introduced new ways of thinking about well-tread video games.

    Would we have the retro-friendly gaming culture that we do today without its existence? Maybe, but it’s possible it might not be quite so vibrant.

  • Remembering the Nintendo Entertainment System

    Remembering the Nintendo Entertainment System

    October 18, 2015, was billed as the Nintendo Entertainment System’s (NES for short) 25th birthday. This is technically true, because although Nintendo’s 8-bit gaming console, that would go on to usher in a new era of gaming, was launched in Japan two years earlier, in July 1983, it wasn’t called NES. In Japan, the NES was the Famicom, short for Family Computer.

    In Europe, more precisely, in Sweden, it was the NES, just like in the Northern America. It would be another year until we’d see an European launch though. September 1st, 1986, is the official European launch date, but obviously it all depended on where you were in Europe at the time. Lots of countries, lots of distributors and partners, lots of different markets.


  • Bungie lämnar Microsoft, 1 600 svenska sajter försvann, Free Burma, och NES-musik i Logic

    Tröttsamt. Tanken var att jag skulle återgår till “normalt” jobbande idag, men gårdagens installationer åt kunden gick åt pipan, på grund av en klantig ompekning av en domän. Inte mitt fel, men jag får vackert vara storsint nog och hugga in idag istället. Som om den här veckans planering inte gått tillräckligt åt pipan. (more…)

  • NES-emulator når iPhone

    Sorry, inte ens det här kan få mig intresserad av iPhone. Det blir inte mycket svalare ärligt talat. Men lite prylkul är det i alla fall.