Tag: Nick Denton

  • Nick Denton's 2015 memo

    Gawker Media CEO Nick Denton has published a mammoth memo for 2015, where he announces changes in leadership and other important stuff for people working on any of the company’s properties, or with an interest in media. But as always when Denton writes, there’s more, and this stood out.

    We all understand how this works. Editorial traffic was lifted but often by viral stories that we would rather mock. We – the freest journalists on the planet – were slaves to the Facebook algorithm. The story of the year – the one story where we were truly at the epicenter – was one that caused dangerous internal dissension. We were nowhere on the Edward Snowden affair. We wrote nothing particularly memorable about NSA surveillance. Gadgets felt unexciting. Celebrity gossip was emptier than usual.

    We pushed for conversations in Kinja, but forgot that every good conversation begins with a story. Getting the stories should have come first, because without them we have nothing to talk about.


  • The Qawker theme for WordPress

    Are you in love with the new Gawker Media network redesign, present on sites like Gawker and Gizmodo? Well, now you can rip off that look for your WordPress site, just a theme install away.

    Nice work by Sahas Katta, although more as a demo rather than an theme people should actually use in my opinion. If nothing else but for the post links and all that.

    Incidentally, the jury (which is me) is still out on the Gawker redesign. I’ve written three posts, and scrapped them all. Hard one to wrap my head around, it’s either brilliant or an epic misfire by Denton & Co.

  • Nick Denton on AOL: "Fearsome internet conglomerate or roach motel?"

    The Daily Beast story on why the Huffington Post-AOL deal is a mess is a somewhat entertaining read. As always, Gawker Media’s Nick Denton delivers some insightful thoughts, like this one:

    AOL has gathered so many of our rivals— Huffington Post, Engadget, Techcrunch—in one place. The question: Is this a fearsome Internet conglomerate or simply a roach motel for once lively websites?

    Time will certainly tell. As it will regarding the Gawker Media network’s redesign. I’m having a hard time tackling that beast myself, but there’ll be a post for sure.

  • Gawker Media is the second largest newspaper

    If the Gawker Media network was a newspaper it would be the second largest one, only surpassed by The New York Times. It isn’t though, rather this is more buzz from network head honcho Nick Denton, re-posted by The Awl. Who said the media landscape isn’t changing?

  • Nyheter24 lär av Gawker

    Journalisten berättar att man tillämpar grundlön med rörligt tak beroende på antalet sidvisningar som genereras på Nyheter24. Det är en modell som Nick Dentonsbloggnätverk Gawker Media, med just Gawker i spetsen, har kört hela tiden. Med tillhörande spott och spe från journalistkårer och kickade bloggare som inte genererat nog med visningar.

    Kritiken är lika självklar som riktig. I jakten på fler sidvisningar är det lätt att glömma bort saker som kvalitet och etik.

    Samtidigt är det svårt att bortse från den enkla matematiken här. Gör man en redaktionell produkt på nätet så är sidvisningarna om inte reda pengar, så åtminstone nära på. Så klart modellen upprör och irriterar, i många fall med all rätt. Nyheter24 låter jag dock vara den här gången, nöjer mig istället med att konstatera att det här bara är början. Vare sig vi gillar det eller ej.