Tag: Stephen King

  • A month with Stephen King's short stories

    Max Booth III decided to read all of Stephen King’s collected short works in a month.

    But oh my god, you guys, Stevie King has written a lot of short stories. More than I certainly remembered, at least. Right off the bat I realized there was no way in hell I’d be able to include his collections consisting entirely of novellas, which would eliminate from my to-read list the following: Different Seasons, Four Past Midnight, and Full Dark, No Stars. Apparently many people view Hearts in Atlantis as a story collection, which is insane to me since it’s obviously a novel, so I also crossed that one off the list. This left me with the following to read in the month of February: Night Shift, Skeleton Crew, Nightmares & Dreamscapes, Everything’s Eventual, Just After Sunset, and The Bazaar of Bad Dreams.

    It’s a pretty good column, although parts of it reads like a puff piece for the author’s Stephen King podcast. All that aside, if you’re interested in King’s short stories, which any sane person who loves to read should be, this one’s for you.

  • Manhunt 2 bannlyst i Storbritannien

    BBFC, censurbyrån i Storbritannien, har valt att bannlysa Rockstars kommande spel Manhunt 2. Föregångaren var ett äckligt skitspel enligt mig, stämplat med en 18-årsgräns med all rätta. Det förbjöds inte i England. (more…)