I’ve been interviewed over at Tumbleweed about the Tackling Tumblr book. Check it out.
Tag: Tackling Tumblr
Spotted: Some of my books in Singapore
Singapore It is always nice when I get sent emails or tweets about where my books have been spotted. This photo (click for full-size image), which features both the first and second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (the third edition is on its way!) as well as Tackling Tumblr, was sent to me by Ripperdoc who spotted these books in a book store in Singapore. Thanks!
TDH.me på baksidan av Tackling Tumblr
Jag ska snart skriva mer om min bok om Tumblr, men så länge: det här är en taskig mobilbild från baksidan av boken. TDH.me är, som bekant, min engelska blogg.
Brandat värre. Läs mer om Tackling Tumblr på TDH.me.
Tackling Tumblr ute nu
Min bok om bloggplattformen och tillika sociala nätverket Tumblr finns nu att köpa från bra bokhandlar världen över. Eller i USA och Europa i alla fall. Boken heter Tackling Tumblr och jag har skrivit om den tidigare.
Vill du handla från Amazon (och ge mig lite kickback) så finns länkar på TDH.me. Här i Sverige tycker jag att ni ska köpa boken där den är billigast och mest tillgänglig, men länkarna nedan ger mig någon liten krona i provision:
- Köp Tackling Tumblr från Adlibris
- Köp Tackling Tumblr från Bokus
Den första (?) recensionen är för övrigt ute nu med, hos ZDNet UK.
ZDNet UK reviews Tackling Tumblr
Tackling Tumblr is out now in both US and Europe and I’m obviously anxious to see how it will sell and be received. If the ZDNet UK review is anything to go by, it could and should do nicely, don’t you think?
Tackling Tumblr is a clear and friendly guide to setting up and using the service for more than just simple microblogging. But where it really shines is in giving you an idea of what you can achieve with Tumblr — which is a lot more than you might expect.
Tackling Tumblr is available from all quality book stores, including online ones. Check out the Store page for more.
Så här ser Tackling Tumblr ut
I slutet av juli släpps Tackling Tumblr i USA, och några veckor senare bör boken dyka upp i Europa. Omslaget ser ut så här:
Om du är nyfiken på vad Tackling Tumblr – som självfallet handlar om populära publiceringsplattformen Tumblr – innehåller finns det mer information på bokens sida på TDH.me. På engelska, precis som boken är, förstås.
Tackling Tumblr page updated
I have updated the page for my upcoming book Tackling Tumblr, with cover and some additional information (aka back cover copy not written by me). If you like you can pre-order Tackling Tumblr
from Amazon right now.
Tackling Tumblr kommer i augusti
Men se där, en boklansering som blir tidigarelagd – den var ny! Min bok Tackling Tumblr dyker upp i Europa redan i augusti, och inte i september som tidigare var sagt. Mer här.
Tackling Tumblr due in late July
This is a first for me and my adventures in the print publishing world: Tackling Tumblr will be released earlier than planned.
The book, which obviously covers the ever growing Tumblr platform, will launch in late July in the US, and hit UK and mainland Europe in August. That’s not so far ahead, so look for some more information on this one real soon. Not today though, as I have a Web Designer magazine deadline on a really cool topic. Stay tuned for more on that too, as the magazine reached the stores.
Nästa bok utannonserad!
Nästa bok är nu officiellt utannonserad. Hela köret kan läsas på TDH.me för dig som är nyfiken. Och nej, det är inte WordPress den här gången!
Announcing my next book: Tackling Tumblr
I’m on the final stretch of the manuscript for my next book, titled Tackling Tumblr. That’s right, after two books (and a second edition), I’m taking a brief step away from WordPress and tackling something new. Tumblr (yes, I’ve got one) is an exciting hosted publishing platform for blogs and simpler sites, and it grows rapidly.
I’ve been wanting to write a book on Tumblr for quite some time, so I was happy with the go ahead from my publisher this winter. As with the first edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (2nd Edition due April 18), I took to the French Alps to get some peace and quiet while writing Tackling Tumblr. Well, that and snowboarding obviously. (more…)
Sorry for the lack of iPad posts
Sorry for getting behind on the iPad posts here, but Tackling Tumblr (not the Tumblog) and a huge gig wrapping up on Monday have kept me more than busy, along with a co-worker moving to Japan (!) which means I’m pulling some of his weight on our Swedish sites as well. The iPad posts are resuming tomorrow, at least you guys got a few words on iPad 2 today…