Ser du det här så har flyttat färdigt, säkerligen timmar efter att är där den ska vara. Skönt, ska vi ta och fokusera på viktigare saker nu kanske?
Serverflytt – det kan bli lite skakigt
Idag flyttar,, Spelbloggen med flera sajter från Kaizr till vår nya server. Det betyder att det kan bli lite skakigt under dagen. Tack för överseende.
Returned from the dead has finally returned from the dead. A crazy hosting issue took the site offline, via an infinite DNS lookup loop. Back now, sorry for the inconvenience.
Jag har utmanat Hog Bay Software
Jag har tröttnat på att vänta på WriteRoom till min iPad, så jag har utmanat Hog Bay Software. Sprid gärna den länken, vem vet – det kanske ger resultat?!
Det här är Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog
Nyfiken på min bok om WordPress? I så fall kanske min presentationssida på kan vara av intresse, i väntan på vad nu förlaget tänker hitta på… På engelska, precis som boken.
Räcker två timmar online om dagen?
Nästa vecka experimenterar jag friskt från Frankrike. Två timmar online om dagen, kommer det fungera?
Mina skrivverktyg
Nyfiken på vad jag skriver böcker, artiklar och annat i? Hoppa till och läs den här posten vetja. Ja, den är på engelska – du klarar av det!
Now running WP Super Cache is now running WP Super Cache to improve stability and performance. Please holler if there’s something weird going on. Thanks.
Hosted blog comments and why I went with Disqus
I decided to not roll my own comments here on, using an outside service rather than the built-in WordPress functionality. This is generally not something I advice since the more outside services you’re relying on, the slower your site will be, not to mention vulnerable to a third party’s uptime and security measures.
That being said, I’m rolling Disqus on this site, the first public one for me actually.
I went with a hosted comment solution for 5 main reasons. (more…)
Why hello there
I must say I’m happy to see you here. It’s been a long time after all, with me blogging and whatnot.
Yes, this is my blog. This is where I’ll speak my mind, discuss matters of great importance with you, dear reader, and where I’ll roam free. In a yet to be published interview with the excellent BloggingPro (will link it when it’s up, of course), I try to explain why I haven’t blogged the last few years. Or rather, why I haven’t blogged in English, my Swedish blog is well read but has next to naught to do with the international blogosphere and matters concerning new media on a more global scale.
But before I reboot myself as yet another voice in the crowded online media landscape, I’ll get this baby a bit more ready. I thought long and hard as to how I wanted the blog to look and behave, and mused over wether to have my blog and (upcoming) design portfolio at the same place. Obviously I decided not to, I’ll get to that later on. For now, I’ll put a tiny bit of effort to get looking decent, and then it’ll be an ongoing work in progress I guess. After all, it is not just a springboard for my mind, but also a necessary playground amidst the more serious design gigs I sometimes venture upon.
Meanwhile, I urge you to subscribe to my RSS feed and to keep an eye on the horizon. I won’t be there, but it is a pretty thing after all.
Happy holidays.