Tag: The Verge

  • Pioneer gets vergeballed

    The Verge’s saying that Pioneer is ready to deliver Apple CarPlay to its NEX series of dashboard receivers. They launched something new too, AppRadio 4.

    Want to know more? Well, you’re shit out of luck since Pioneer’s site’s down, most likely because of the traffic from The Verge. In other words, they got fireballed, err, vergeballed… No, let’s not delve into that trail of thought any deeper. But yay, CarPlay, right?!

  • These iOS and Android articles are awesome

    I can’t exactly say that I’m reading everything that ends up on The Verge, but I do find that it is a great site overall. If you like truly in-depth reviews, this is the place to look, but what really sets them apart is posts like the Android and iOS visual histories. Great content and lots of images, detailing how these two platforms have evolved over the years. Now if they would just get that whole text column left, text column right thing under control, I’d like them even more!