Tag: time

  • Time management

    From Kevin Hoctor’s piece on time:

    Statements that begin with “I wish I had more time to…” are red flags for me. When I hear myself say something like, “I wish I had more time to exercise and get in shape,” it really means that I need to make time to exercise. Wishing it won’t change anything. I won’t magically have more time or extra energy by making that comment, so it’s useless.

    Lots of sound advice in there. I find myself thinking more and more about time, and throwing away the excuses not to do things.

  • Mark Zuckerberg är årets person 2010 säger Time

    Time har utsett Mark Zuckerberg till årets person 2010. Inte helt orimligt, med tanke på allt snack kring Facebook, filmen The Social Network och så vidare.