Tag: web

  • Ebola.com for sale

    Jon Schultz, president of Blue String Ventures, is apparently the worst kind of domain squatter. His company wants $150,000 for the ebola.com domain name. Schultz, in an email to CNBC:

    Ebola.com would be a great domain for a pharmaceutical company working on a vaccine or cure, a company selling pandemic or disaster-preparedness supplies, or a medical company wishing to provide information and advertise services

    The same company’s been capitalizing on people’s fears with other crisis related domain names. It’s unclear if these people sleep well at night.

  • Håkon Wium Lie talks about CSS

    Håkon Wium Lie is the father of CSS. Opera recently published an interview with him to commemorate CSS’s 20th birthday.

    Bert Bos reviewed my intial proposal. His background and focus was a bit different from mine, but when he wrote up his own proposal we quickly realized that two proposals could be combined into one. At that point, the web project was being kicked out of CERN and W3C was formed. I was starting up the European branch of W3C at INRIA and Bert was hired immediately. Most of CSS1 was hammered out on a whiteboard in Sophia-Antipolis in July 1995. Bert is still working for W3C in Sophia-Antipolis. Whenever I’m struggling with a difficult technical problem, I wish Bert and the whiteboard were there.

    There are some interesting tidbits in there, so check it out if you want to learn a little web history.

  • Introducing The Links Page

    Update: The Links page has been discontinued. Sorry.

    I’ve been meaning to add a Links page to this site for quite some time, sharing some of my favorite sites with y’all.

    Back in the day we all had pages like this, swapping links, oblivious of the coming onslaught of trackbacks and social media soapboxes. This was the way we did it, at least the ones of us who didn’t want to clutter our sites with those pesky buttons, 88×31 pixels or something. Or better yet, why not join a WebRing? Does anyone remember those?


  • Taking the internet for granted

    Something struck me as I nervously paced the room, trying not to curse too much while waiting for a bunch of important files to leave my outbox.

    I’m taking the internet for granted.

    Or rather, I’m taking a solid and at least somewhat fast internet connection for granted.

    Working from the French Alps puts it into perspective. It’s easy to come to terms with lousy connectivity and speed in developing countries, but in the heart of Europe? How can they live like this?

    They can because they have to.

    Back home I’ve got a 100 Mbit connection and file size isn’t an issue.

    Here, sending a 2 MB file is something scary.

    Food for thought for all us web workers, that’s for sure.