Tag: Wired

  • Wired's folly

    Wired is taking an aggressive approach to ad blockers come February 16. Either you turn off your ad blocker, or you pay to see the site sans ads. From Bloomberg’s piece on the matter:

    Wired plans to charge $3.99 for four weeks of ad-free access to its website. In many places where ads appear, the site will simply feature more articles, said Mark McClusky, the magazine’s head of operations. The portion of his readership that uses ad blockers are likely to be receptive to a discussion about their responsibility to support the businesses they rely on for information online, McClusky said.


  • Wired is no longer a pirate ship

    From Wired’s editor-in-chief Scott Dadlich’s memo, regarding the new, and overly stylish, offices:

    It’s an embarrassment: coffee stains on walls (and countertops and desks), overflowing compost bins, abandoned drafts of stories and layouts (full of highly confidential content), day-old, half-eaten food, and, yes, I’m going to say it, action figures. Please. WIRED is no longer a pirate ship. It’s the home of world-changing journalism. It’s the West Coast home of Condé Nast. And it’s increasingly a place where we, and our New York colleagues and owners, host artists, founders, CEOs, and advertisers.

    This sounds horrible, and like a magazine being led even further into the gray mass. The whole piece is published on The Awl, where you can be appropriately stunned, or silently applaud, in which direction the creative juices are supposed to be flowing at Wired when they’ve moved in.

  • Breaking News

    Flipping through my RSS feed I was once again reminded that being first isn’t always the key to success. In this case it was web publishing, and Boing Boing in particular. The blog had just run a post about how Darth Vader tackled the Hoth battle in The Empire Strikes Back, originally a Wired story. I had seen the story being mentioned at least a dozen times already, over a 24 hour (or something like that) period of time.

    In conclusion, Boing Boing was late on the ball, which you might think was embarrassing considering this is a pretty typical Boing Boing story.

    The thing is, it doesn’t matter.


  • The Romanian cybercrime city

    I found this article about a Romanian town where “cybercrime” rules pretty interesting. Not sure who sent it to me, sorry and thanks for sharing, whoever you are!

  • Tryckta bloggar

    Researchar tryckt webbmaterial just nu, eller tryckta bloggar i synnerhet, och som ett brev på posten blir det snack om Creative Commons-baserade tidningar på Jaiku samt så lyftar Gunnar fram den här sköna produkten från Really Interesting Group.

    Blotta tanken att ta material skrivet för webben och ge ut i tryckt form är, ja, förbryllande tror jag. Å ena sidan så älskar jag tanken på det fria i konceptet, från öppna webben till slutna pappret, men å andra sidan så tilltalar tanken att läsa texter skrivna för nätet på papper inte särskilt mycket. Visst, en hel del material online korrekturläses noga, men ser man till snittet så skulle jag tro att ögontiden på texterna är betydligt längre om de skall ut på papper. Det gör dem inte bättre, bara tajtare. Såvida man inte har en kass redaktör som redigerar bort fel saker, det har hänt… (more…)

  • Wired går igenom 40 års konsolhistoria

    Atari 2600 är förstås medTidningen Wired har en ganska trevlig webbsajt, och för spelintresserade finns det trevlig läsning att beskåda just nu. Man har gjort ett 47 bilder långt galleri med tillhörande texter för att gå igenom spelkonsolernas 40-åriga historia. En del blir lite väl ytligt men visst är det värt att klicka igenom.