I just published an update on what’s going on with the Notes themes. Be sure to read it if you’re into that sort of thing.
Tag: WordPress
The world’s largest CMS, WordPress, is what got me started writing technical books. I’m still active in the community, and every now and then I’ll write something about my favorite open source publishing platform.
#wpmwp kommer med WordPress 3.3
Äntligen! Så snart WordPress 3.3 är ute så släpps första versionen av e-boken Webbpublicering med WordPress. Läs det här så länge.
Should your plugin even be on wordpress.org?
In light of recent events, I’m asking the question whether your plugin should be hosted on wordpress.org in my latest column at WPMU.org.
Lessons learned from organizing a WordCamp
My latest column on WPMU.org is about the lessons i learned from organizing a WordCamp. Sorry, no profanities or controversy in this one!
Visar din sajt viagrareklam?
Om du använder WordPress och inte sett till att hålla din sajt uppdaterad så kan du vara hackad. Mer precist så är det tillägg och teman som använder Timthumb som kan vara utsatta. Nikke skriver bra om det, och tipsar om det här tillägget för att kolla själv.
Plugins use a lot of shortcodes
You already know that I loathe shortcodes (well, it’s not that simple perhaps) so the list of shortcodes from plugins on wordpress.org scares me.
Fredagsnöje: Två lanseringar signerade Odd Alice idag
Jag brukar verkligen avråda från lanseringar på fredagar, det riskerar nämligen bli krångligt och kostsamt om något skulle gå åt pipan. Ibland blir det så ändå, och idag blev det inte en utan två lanseringar signerade Odd Alice. Båda sajterna bygger på WordPress (föga förvånande) och är på många sätt och vis varandras motpoler. Det gör det extra kul tycker vi. (more…)
Ever wondered why I loathe shortcodes?
A slight publishing snafu over at WPMU.org made my Thursday column publish early. Ah well, at least you can read all about why I loathe shortcodes right now.
You shouldn't run too many plugins and here's why
Ryan Imel on WPCandy is upset about people who are advising WordPress users against running a lot of plugins. He goes on a little rant, which you should read, because it definitely has a point.
What does matter is the nature of the plugins themselves. If the plugins are properly coded and serve their individual purposes well, then it shouldn’t matter even if you have one hundred of them active. If the plugins are big, bloated, and poorly written then you could run into a problem with only two active. The key here is the number of active plugins is unimportant; only the quality matters.
This is true, although I think you have a problem if you’re running 100 plugins, but that’s another matter.
The thing to take away here is that you can run how many plugins you want, just make sure they are well-written, then you won’t have any problems.
With that said, I still say you should keep your plugin count down. (more…)
My debut column on WPMU.org tells you to stop being an asshole
I never was one to thread around lightly, so when James Farmer and his cohorts had a brief lapse of judgment and gave me the keys to WPMU.org, I knew I had to come out swinging. So I’ll start with calling the WPMU.org reader as well as most of the WordPress community an asshole then, shall I? Indeed I shall, and I did. (more…)
WordCamp i ett nötskal
Det råder lite oklarheter om vad sjutton ett WordCamp är, så här apropå WordCamp Stockholm. Hög tid att förtydliga med andra ord. (more…)
WordPress gets admin pointers for fancy guides
WordPress 3.3 introduces admin pointers, which basically are highlights to show how various things work. This will be great for the core features obviously, but where it can really make things easier is in plugins and themes doing fancy stuff no one’s seen before.
The nice folks on Theme.fm have a post on admin pointers, which you should read if you’re interested in how you’ll be doing them, although you need to remember that 3.3 is still under development. They also put together this awesome video detailing how it could work.
Smashing Magazine launches WordPress sub-site
The good folks over at Smashing Magazine has been covering WordPress all along, but with a brand new WordPress sub-site things should just increase.