Smashing WordPress Themes: The manuscript is halfway there

Yesterday marked a special day for me, or it would have if I was the sentimental kind. Which I might be sometimes, but not when it comes to these kind of things. Then again, it was obviously special enough for me to take the time to write this blog post…

Yes, I’ll get to the point.

On Sunday I delivered the fifth and sixth chapter of Smashing WordPress Themes, which means that the book is all but half-way in the hands of my editor. About bloody time, it’s been a ride where nothing really went the way it should have. I’ll get to that in another blog post mayhap, but for now it’s enough to say that, well, I thought I’d be working on my third book by now.

Enough about that for now. I’m just happy that the first half (almost) of the book is out of my hands. Sure, I’ve got author reviews and such, but there won’t be any major changes on these chapters from this point onwards. And that’s something worth celebrating I think. Which I did, with a nice single malt whisky.

Incidentally I’ve got a my book’s finished ritual involving single malt as well. By the end of September I’ll be able to indulge in that. Just seven chapters to go.