I’m in the middle of two deadlines, but this is just too good to pass up.
That’s the spanking new HTML 5 logo. Nice huh? But did you know that it could transform?
ℹ️ This is an archived legacy site for link purposes only.
I’m in the middle of two deadlines, but this is just too good to pass up.
That’s the spanking new HTML 5 logo. Nice huh? But did you know that it could transform?
Here’s a nice review of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog that I think you should read. And keep in mind that the 2nd Edition is due in April!
The new Notes Blog theme, detailed in this post, is now officially ready for release. It’s a first public version and as such it will probably contains some weird stuff you guys will have things to say about, but all in all I think it’s pretty solid. Rather, I know it is solid, it’s being used in serious projects already and have been running in closed beta for quite some time.
There’s really just one thing holding it off, and that’s the fact that Notes Blog requires WordPress 3.1, which is still in RC2 as I’m writing this. There will be an RC3 as far as I can tell from the core developer’s communiques, so the final release of version 3.1 (which I’m running here already, by the way) is probably a week or two away.
I’ve been debating whether to upload the beta version anyway, but since I’d get a ton of “why did this break?” questions if I did, I’m holding off. You’ll have to wait, and so will I. Hopefully it’ll be worth it.
PS. This post is indeed a sign of things to come, and a shift in communication regarding the development behind the Notes themes. The idea is to keep more practical stuff, for users, on the Notes site, while I might blabber about decisions and other things here. I think it’ll make sense in the end.
I’ve added a Flattr (what’s that?) button to the posts here on TDH.me, upon request. If you like what I’m writing, or want to help anyone else using Flattr out, then by all means create an account and share your pennies.
There was a time when I wanted everything in Google Docs. When I thought that the simple word processor and spreadsheet was enough for me, that they covered my needs and was a viable alternative to local software.
There was a time.
Unfortunately things are different these days. If I want to share a spreadsheet with colleagues, I often have to try it several times because “sharing is currently unavailable”. If I want to write something, Docs sometimes finds it prudent to insert weird characters when I’m using the arrow keys to move the cursor. If I format a document, close it and then open it again, the formatting is sometimes not only lost, but completely random compared to what I put in. (more…)
Som bekant (?) så släpps min andra WordPress-bok, Smashing WordPress Themes, i USA nästa vecka. Med det som bakgrund så har Anders Thoresson gjort en intervju med mig som jag tycker du ska läsa.
I snuck out the WordPress page here on TDH.me, primarily because I had to drop the link to the Twenty Ten Tri child theme. I’ll tend to it later, this week is completely devoted to wrapping up Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition.
If you, like me, love reading on Kindle (whether you’ve got the plastic e-reader or just use an app), you’re in luck. Smashing WordPress Themes will be made available on Kindle in a couple of week’s time. Apparently there’s some technical conversion stuff making it take its time, but my publisher promises to get it out on Kindle as fast as possible. Now you know!
Det är mycket WordPress-bokskrivande för mig nu, vilket är anledningen till att jag tystnat en aning. Det och lite annat, som bekant. Idag har dock varit en bra dag:
Dessutom väntar jag fortfarande otåligt på WordPress 3.1 så att WPMWP äntligen kan ges ut. Och efter det? Jo, de närmaste månaderna är synnerligen intressanta för mig, med spännande projekt och nya uppdrag – samt en väldig massa skrivande. Som jag vill ha det.
I think I’m allowed to talk about this now. If not, tough luck.
There will be a second edition of my highly popular, critically acclaimed, bestselling, insert-pr-speak-here book, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. The manuscript is in the hands of my editors as we speak, and those of you stalking me on Twitter or Facebook can finally rest easy knowing that this is what I’ve been working on the past few weeks.
I’ve added Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition to my books page, but there’s not much else going on over there right now. Expect it to be bigger, better, more up to date, and hopefully better syntaxed by the people doing that stuff as well. Obviously this is the version they’ll be translating when launching the book in Portuguese.
Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition is tentatively slated for release in April 2011.
Now go and buy Smashing WordPress Themes, it’s out next week!
Det här är kul. Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog ska översättas till portugisiska och ges ut i Brasilien, fick jag veta idag. Kontrakten är klappade och klara hälsar min förläggare.
I’m really excited about today’s news from my publisher, Wiley. You see, my book Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog is slated for a Portuguese version with a publisher in Brazil. I have no idea when the Portuguese version will launch, but I’ll keep you guys posted.
Det här är skrämmande läsning, om Aftonbladet och en privatperson vars bilder använts utan tillstånd. Etiskt perverst.
Det här är otroligt stort, helt enkelt. Version 3.0 (med underversioner förstås) av WordPress har laddats ner mer än 30 miljoner gånger. Kolla räknaren själv för mer aktuell siffra.
Nu väntar vi bara på 3.1, saftigt försenad men redan naggade god. Den är minst två veckor bort skulle jag vilja påstå, såvida utvecklarna inte bestämmer sig för att hoppa över RC3…
The image above is depressing for several reasons.
Time to wrap up the last chapter of my “new” secret book which I’ll tell you all about next week, and forget about Word for a while.