Month: March 2017

  • Seven things I enjoy, early March 2017

    Seven things I enjoy, early March 2017

    I’m bringing back a revamped list of things I like series. Every now and then, I’ll post seven things I enjoy, and hopefully that’ll help you find something you like as well. Pretty simple, right?

    Oh, and links down here might be affiliate links, should you decide to pick something up. That’ll earn me a small commission, which is nice since it can help feed my book consumption. Seriously, it’s out of hand…

    Without further ado, and in no particular order, here’s the list.

    • Nintendo Switch, because damn, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (which is also available for Wii U) is so bloody good it’s ridiculous. I have high hopes for the console as well, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Splatoon 2 were both great fun at the pre-launch event, but I want more.
    • Ulysses is my current offline writing app of choice, but I must also mention BlankPage which has some pretty cool stuff coming up. How do I know that? Well, I’m involved, that’s how.
    • Being a columnist again. I’ve been busy with other things for a couple of years, but I’m back writing columns (currently weekly at Di Digital, in Swedish I’m afraid).
    • Shattered Sea trilogy, by Joe Abercrombie, is shaping up nicely. The first book, Half a King, was good but I think I’m enjoying Half the World  even more. Here’s hoping Half a War is just as good.
    • Reading on Kindle Oasis is such a great experience, a beautiful albeit overpriced e-reader, that. I’ve been testing a few different ones lately, it really does stand out. On a budget? Get the latest Paperwhite, it’s great too.
    • Taking notes with Apple Pencil. I’m not sure if this will stick or not, but Pencil and an app like GoodNotes is a really powerful tool. More on that later.
    • The whiteboard. Yes, whiteboards carry with them a very office-like feeling, but when I’m wrestling with a concept or an idea, the space and the overview truly helps. When I get my own castle, I’ll have a whiteboard wall. For now, I’ll have to make due with the one at Odd Alice.

    What have you been enjoying lately? Any of these things, any others? Tell @tdh on Twitter, I’d love to know.

  • Guess who's back (and got a new suit)?

    Hey, how are you? Good, I hope. I’m doing fine too, a bit swamped with work and writing and whatnot, but that’s to be expected from time to time. I’m sorry that I’ve been neglecting you of late, it was never my intention. You see, I thoroughly enjoy filling you up with…

    Err, yeah. That just got weird, didn’t it?

    What I wanted to say was that I’ve missed writing here, at The posts and essays I publish here tend to lead to discussions and quips about this and that, something I enjoy. It’s also a pretty bad thing to not have a living site, especially since I’m and author and all that. So I figured I’d ease back into it, publishing an essay a week here, along with some shorter pieces when I feel like it.

    The, as of writing, current theme, called TDH12

    Oh yeah, you might’ve noticed that things are looking a bit different around here. While I found the previous iteration (as the one before that) of the site looked and worked well enough, it’s good to shake things up every now and then. With this design, I wanted to make sure that the site was easy to read (it’s mostly text), and that the readers didn’t miss my books. There are still some bits and pieces that I need to sort out, but I think it’s a pretty good start.

    Found something funky? Email tdh at tdh dot me or tweet to @tdh. Thanks!

    I think that’s about it. I really just wanted to say hi and welcome back. I can’t wait to get back to writing about, err, writing, gadgets and gear, tech, books, music, games, and all that other stuff I’ve been going on about over the years. If that interest you, be sure to sign up for the newsletter (undergoing a revamp – back soon!) and follow me on Twitter. There’s also a RSS feed, for those old school netizens out there.

    Until next time then.

  • Are you a grammar master?

    How’s your English grammar? Mine is rather good if this test (via The Loop) is anything to go by, 25 out of 25 was my score.

    Congratulations, you are a grammar master! You have a superb understanding of even the trickiest grammar rules. Not only do you know the difference between affect and effect, but you also never confuse your tenses. You must be an English scholar because only 4% of Americans can get a perfect score on this test.

    Right. How did you do?

  • Updates in progress Done!

    Update! And we’re done. This is the first step towards a slightly more rewarding experience. There are several things left to do, I hope you’ll be patient with me as I find the time during the coming weeks.

    On the flipside: There’ll be more posting from here on now, so there’s that!

    Welcome back.

    PS. Found anything funky? Please:

    Just a quick heads up: I’m doing some work behind the scenes here so things might get funky. Will be back in a jiffy, or something like that.

    This post will be updated with the progress.