• Commodore PET

    Commodore PET, not the computer, launches in Italy, France, Germany, and Poland, soon. Wired:

    Now it’s appearing on a smartphone created by a pair of Italian entrepreneurs. It’s called the PET—sharing its name with Commodore’s other iconic PC—and its custom Android build includes two emulators so owners can enjoy old C64 and Amiga games.

    This isn’t the first time a product’s been built around the classic Commodore (or Amiga) brand. The chances for this smartphone are slim, I’d say. Maybe it’s time to let the Commodore brand rest?

  • Marshall London

    The Marshall brand is on a lot of things these days, including headphones. While headphones makes sense, a smartphone might not, and yet there’s now a $600 Android thing called Marshall London. But despite the dual headphone connectors, and the Marshall branding obviously, you don’t get much bang for the buck. Gizmodo sums it up nicely:

    Under the hood, the phone’s core specs are barely respectable compared to a top-of-the-line handset. It’s got a 4.7-inch 720p IPS display, which is going to feel pretty tiny and low-res compared to today’s 5-inch=plus QHD displays. It’s got 2GB of RAM, 16GB of on-board storage, plus a Micro-SD slot. It’ll run Android Lollipop at launch, which is great! But that Qualcomm Snapdragon 410 chipset is a few years old, and might drag compared to a new flagship. We don’t know much about the 8 megapixel camera, but it’s lower resolution than the most up-to-date phones. It’s a low-spec handset, to be sure, but that doesn’t mean bad.

    I see no reason what so ever to consider the Marshall London, unless you’re a die hard Marshall fan that wants to match it with your t-shirt and headphones. In which case I’ll just remind you that unless you actually hook up your guitar to a Marshall amp, a product line with pedigree and quality, you’re basically buying a look. I guess that’s fine too.

  • Apples nya iPod touch

    Apple har (äntligen) uppdaterat iPod touch till något lite modernare. Jag skrev lite om det, och vad det kan innebära, på TDH.me.

    But here’s the thing: I don’t think that the iPod touch exists to be an entry level device. I think this is the replacement for the iPod classic, because you can fit a whole lot of media in 128 GB. I also think that Apple wants to keep the iPod alive, and understands that some people doesn’t want to rely on streaming at all times, and thus they offer this. The iPod touch is the top of the line iPod, a true entertainment machine that can do so much more than just play music.

  • The iPod touch and the 4 inch iPhone

    The iPod touch and the 4 inch iPhone

    Apple has released a new model of the iPod touch, alongside new iPod models. Where the latter are more or less the same as before with new colors, the iPod touch is a different story.

    The new iPod touch retains the same form factor as before, adding new colors. That means that it’s still a 4 inch screen, much like th iPhone 5/5s has. This is surprising, since Apple used to keep the iPod touch in line with the current iPhone, but obviously that’s out of the window since they left it untouched for years, up until now.


  • Comments for the commenter

    Comments just for the commenter, with Echochamber.js:

    When a user submits a comment, echochamber.js will save the comment to the user’s LocalStorage, so when they return to the page, they can be confident that their voice is being heard, and feel engaged with your very engaging content. It does not make any HTTP requests. Since LocalStorage is only local, you and your database need not be burdened with other people’s opinions.

    Or in layman terms: The comments only live in the commenter’s browser, thus that’s the only place it exists.

  • Tech Troopers och Komplett i ehandelspressen

    Eller på Ehandel.se i alla fall. Tech Troopers, som jag är inblandad i, nämns i deras lilla knäck om Kompletts satsning på support.

    Komplett har även lanserat ett pilotprojekt tillsammans med Tech Troopers i Stockholm, ett serviceföretag byggt på crowdsourcing där teknikstudenter anlitas för serviceuppdrag. Det för att kunna erbjuda kunderna stöd och hjälp med produktfrågor. Bland annat genom hembesök för att göra installationer.

  • Resonate


    We all resonate with different things. That makes some things work better for us than others, no matter if the difference between the options are large or small.

    Take fitness trackers, which are all doing the same thing. Sure, some measure your pulse, others are great as vibrating alarm clocks, and the apps where all your data is displayed is more or less useful, but in the end they’re all essentially the same. Different design, same type of thing. I can vouch for that, because I’ve tried most of the leading brands, and some of the off-brands as well.

    So why is it then, that one fitness tracker might work for a person, where another doesn’t?


  • Satoru Iwata blev bara 55 år gammal

    Trist sätt att börja veckan på, men så klart ännu värre för Iwatas familj. Jag skrev lite mer om Satoru Iwatas bortgång på Spelbloggen. Hans livsgärning förtjänar något mer omfattande dock, för Iwata var en av de stora i spelvärlden.

  • Help Fireside Fiction stay alive

    There are just two days left of Fireside Fiction’s Year 4 drive, and it’s looking grim. They need $13,000 to keep on publishing, but as I’m writing this, they’re at $8,096. Over the years, Fireside’s published a lot of great content, so I hope you’ll consider signing up for a Year 4 subscription, or support them on Patreon.

    Oh, and remember that time they published a short story by yours truly? Good times.

  • Om bokutgivning

    Om bokutgivning

    Sölve Dahlgren har skrivit två intressanta blogginlägg, ett om valet av förlagstyp, och ett om hur många böcker en författare behöver sälja för att kunna leva på sitt gebit. Det är intressanta poster, väl värda en genomläsning.

    Naturligtvis talar Sölve Dahlgren lite i egen sak, eftersom han är en av grundarna till Hoi Förlag. Hoi är ett så kallat hybridförlag, vilket betyder att de säljer utgivningspaket till författarna de ger ut. Det är ingen ny modell, men fram tills för ett par år sedan var den mindre känd, kan vi väl säga. Hybridförlag brukar ha ett upplägg där författaren tar alla kostnader för utgivningen – inklusive redaktörer, formgivning, med mera – men i gengäld så går alla intäkter till att tjäna in denna initiala investering. Först därefter får hybridförlaget en del av kakan, i Hois fall är det en fördelning på 80/20 till författarens fördel. Naturligtvis har hyridförlaget redan tjänat en slant på författarens investering, vilket är varför journalister och bloggare tenderar måla en otrevlig bild av hybridförlag som utnyttjare av författares drömmar. Det finns säkert sådana, men jag vill nog tro och hoppas att de är i minoritet, och att de flesta faktiskt bara vill ge ut bra litteratur.


  • A week without the Apple Watch

    Ben Bajarin stopped using his Apple Watch for a week, as an experiment.

    The first thing I noticed was my heightened awareness of where my iPhone was at all times. One of my observations from my first week with the Apple Watch was how it untethered me from my iPhone in a positive way. Whether it was in my pocket or on the coffee table or near the front door, the Watch allowed me not to worry about my iPhone needing to be with me at all times to remain connected. Life without the Watch reminded me of the habits I developed to make sure my phone was always near me. I would make sure to always put it in my pocket as I moved around the house or carry it with me from room to room.

    While I’ve yet to stop using my Watch, I found myself agreeing to this piece.

  • The Zappos Messiah

    From Paul Carr’s story about Tony Hsieh, Zappos’s new management structure, and the apparent failure of the Las Vegas Downtown Project:

    Hsieh took over as CEO of Zappos in 2000 (he is not the company’s founder, as many believe) and you only have to spend two minutes — I spent two years — living around Zappos employees to realize that many see him as an almost messianic figure. It’s hard to walk the length of a street with Hsieh without being stopped by a succession of acolytes hoping to touch the hem of his ubiquitous Zappos branded t-shirt.

    It was a good read, in typical Paul Carr fashion.

  • Amex and UP4

    Jawbone UP4 – yes this is a fitness band – has support for payments, if you’re an Amex customer. But the fine print is just weird, from an email Jawbone sent me today:

    Amex Payments: Only one U.S. Amex-issued consumer, or small business credit, or charge Card can be connected to an UP4™ band and can’t be changed. Only available when you check out at merchants which accept American Express contactless payments. Payment capability expires as early as 7/31/2019. See important terms and limitations.

    Sounds like a swell experience. I’ve yet to try the UP4, but I have tested both the UP2 and the UP3 (and the UP24 before that). They’re overall good fitness bands, and definitely the leader if you want to wake up from vibrating arm links.

  • Fuck Your Likes And Hearts

    Warren Ellis, in his newsletter Orbital Operation (which is great):

    Fuck Your Likes And Hearts should be a mantra for anyone doing personal writing online.

  • Apple Music is on Tumblr

    Apple has launched its Apple Music service (and iOS 8.4, of course), which I’ll talk more about after having given it a proper go, as well as the Beats 1 always on radio channel. If you’re curious about the latter, check out beats1radio.com, which incidentally is powered by Tumblr, as is the rest of the Apple Music site. Is this the new, hip, Apple?