My answers to Darren's blogging challenges of 2010

Darren “Problogger” Rowse asks what your blogging challenges of 2010 is, obviously wanting to collect information for an upcoming series of helpful posts. As a problogger and writer, I figured I’d pitch in myself.

What is it that you feel is holding you back?

Time. That’s the ever-present culprit for anything not generating enough money, and although most of my writing do in fact go hand in hand with decent pay, I don’t want to limit my writing to that. More time to do non-commercial stuff means more posts in a more diverse field.

What problems do you face?

None really, other than the ones connected to the lack of time.

What questions do you have that you can’t get passed?

None. Sorry…

What issues do you keep coming up against that just hold you back?

The one thing I keep hitting at is the shape of the content. Or, in plain good old English: Should I write linkbait to get more readers? I dislike those mammoth list post that just reiterate what others have already done, and I loathe content that solely exists to get links – not to be mixed up with controversial content published to spark a reaction or discussion. I keep banging my head against that one, but always end up writing for myself and the content I like to be associated with, rather than what could work on Digg or Stumbleupon.

Finding the balance between ones own voice, and what will garner mammoth traffic, is tricky. That’s something to dig into, obviously.

Want to chip in? Comment on Darren’s post, why dontcha?