I had five things to do today.
- Test a simple API script on a client server, and report on the findings to a client. This should’ve taken 30 minutes or so.
- Tweak a search page for a client, and let them test it thoroughly. This was estimated to take up to an hour.
- Launch the new version of TDH.me.
- Launch The Writer’s iPad, on a store of my own as well as on Amazon. Possibly submit the ebook to other retailers as well.
- Celebrate with the bubbly stuff.
Things didn’t quite work out the way I planned.
First shit hit the fan with client work, but not so much the clients I were supposed to work with, but other clients. It happens, and I was prepared for it as always, albeit a bit bummed out of not being able to cross off number 1 and 2 on the list.
Then I ran into a brick wall with this site, the new version that you are looking at now. It is really an unoptimized beta version of what hopefully will grace your screen sometime this weekend. It’s not even completely responsive yet (edit: it is a bit responsive), as I’m writing this, which is a rusty nail in my eye.

Launching The Writer’s iPad then, my ebook about writing on an iPad, how hard can that be? Not hard at all, as it were, since the ebook’s been done for quite some time. It did prove a lot more time-consuming than expected though, with 12 hours of estimated time pending in review at Amazon (it is live now though), and up to 24 hours before FastSpring will sign off on the TDH Store, where you will be able to buy The Writer’s iPad in PDF and ePub format. To top things off, I seem to have to wait a bit longer than anticipated for The Writer’s iPad to reach iBooks and Barnes & Noble, although this bit is still uncertain. I was indeed prepared for iBooks and B&N (along with Kobo and a few other retailers) to take additional time.
It’s closing in on eleven in the evening and I’m exhausted by this day. Nothing has been going according to plan today, and I have attracted everything and their mother in terms of additional problems, like a grief-sucking magnet of annoying little things.
I admit defeat. On the other hand, time is on my side, because tomorrow morning should bring approved stores and ebooks and whatnot.
No doubt to an overflowing inbox of new annoyances to work through.
Yeah, I’m a positive guy right now.