The Flic hype

You’ve no doubt seen the Flic signup links. Here’s mine, where you can see how many how signed up for Flic using it as well. Flic isn’t a service, it’s a button that does one thing, developed by Swedish company Shortcut Labs AB.

Flic is the new era of smartphone simplicity. It is a wireless shortcut button that connects to your smartphone and can do practically anything that your smartphone can do. With flic, you don’t have to take your phone out of the pocket or purse to do simple, every day tasks.

For each signup you refer, you’ll get closer to get your own Flic for free, coming in 2015, assuming you’ll be a part of the crowdfunding campaign. Or several free Flic buttons, if you spam a lot of your friends. Much like the Dropbox share links where you get additional storage for referrals, but here you’ll work your way up to Flic buttons. And promote the product while doing so, oiling the hype machine…