Tag: crowdfunding

  • Craigstarter

    Congratulations are in order, because Craig Mod has launched a successful campaign for his new book, Kissa by Kissa. Yes, it’s about walking, as most things seem to be with Craig these days. He created something wonderful, the Craigstarter, for this project. It’s essentially a way to do crowdfunding with Shopify, with proper support for stretch goals and everything. I love the fact that something called Craigstarter exists, and released into the wild for everyone to use too.

    Also, this resonated well with me, because Craig’s projects are funded by his Special Projects membership drive:

    I see all members as voters, but Yearly Members are like mini-investors. As I wrote in Kickstartup: “I want to share with you a story about books, publishing, fundraising and seed capital.” Yearly Memberships are seed capital. I don’t mean that in the way of crude, spreadsheet driven, emotionless capital deployment, but in the freedom-unlocking, the opportunity-giving way. Obviously, members are not only “seed capital,” but the dollar amount of Yearly Memberships, in aggregate, become a kind of Kalman filter or linear quadratic estimation in a way that Monthly amounts aren’t. Yearly members say: Ya got a year, delight me! And if I fail to do so, the onus is on me. So, as a thanks to Yearly Supporters for that pledge of faith, I see the $50 coupon as a kind of financial dividend (beyond all the cultural dividends I hope the program inherently pays).

    Read about the project in Roden 042, which – of course – is a newsletter.

  • Conan breaks Kickstarter boardgame record

    The Conan boardgame, by Monolith Board Games, has just finished a crazy successful Kickstarter campaign. I'm happy to be a backer here, because all those stretch goals, the collector's box, and a companion app, well, it's just mindboggling.

    • $3,327,467 Dollars
    • 16036 Backers
    • 95 updates
    • 55 Stretch goals
    • 22 Add-ons Over
    • 200 models
    • Officially the most successful board game on Kickstarter…

    As a Robert E. Howard fan, this makes me extra happy.

  • Daily Crowdfunder is back at it

    In case you missed it, Daily Crowdfunder is back after the holiday break. Some of the most recent featured campaigns include a Conan board game that looks great, an inspiring documentary, monthly coding packages for kids, and more. Lots of goodies to come too, so check it out, and spread the word if you like what you see.

  • Crowdfunding insurance

    Crowdfunding platform Indiegogo is doing a one campaign trial of crowdfunding insurance. Gizmodo:

    The new “Optional Insurance,” which was first discovered by TechCrunch, appears to only be available on a single project thus far, the Olive stress-management wearable. When you go to preemptively secure your Olive band, you’re given the option to purchase the Indiegogo-provided insurance for the relatively reasonable price of $15. Then, if the Olive doesn’t materialize within three months of when it’s supposed to, its Indiegogo’s responsibility to give you your money back.

    You can see it in action on the Olive wearable. This is an interesting move, and something that you might want to consider given the amount of duds and delays out there, should the insurance become a standard feature.

    Semi-related plug: Never miss a great crowdfunding campaign again, thanks to Daily Crowdfunder. Yes, that’s a project of mine, go figure…

  • Indiegogo enables Apple Pay

    Indiegogo is the first crowdfunding platform to implement Apple Pay, making it easier for you to fund projects on a whim.

    We’re always looking for ways to help people find and fund what matters to them—in the simplest way possible. As the only crowdfunding partner to join the Apple Pay launch, we’ve made supporting campaigns and bringing dreams to life even easier. The single-touch payment feature also comes with an additional built-in security layer through Apple’s ‎Touch ID™ system, which encrypts and remotely stores credit card data. We take pride in our unprecedented trust and safety measures, which protect contributors and campaign owners, alike.

    Our Apple Pay integration is the latest of recent Indiegogo product improvements, including the introduction of our iPhone app, which allows contributors to discover and support campaigns on the go, and provides campaign owners with mobile management tools.

    Great news for crowdfunders all around, or at least the ones in the regions where Apple Pay is currently available. If you’re looking for something to sink your money into, Daily Crowdfunder picks one greatcampaign – from all platforms – every day and feature it.

  • Ge en slant till Ghostwoods Books

    Jag tycker du ska skicka bågra slantar till Ghostwoods Books Kickstarter-kampanj för “fair trade publishing”. Som en liten bonus får du antologin Haukter Futures, med bland annar Warren Ellis, Richard Kadrey, och Chuck Wendig – det kan inte bli dåligt!

    Behöver du ytterligare incitament? Okej då, jag bjussar på följande.

    Still on the ropes huh? Tell you what, I’ll do what I did to help the Fireside Fiction Year 2 campaign, and write a short story which you’ll be able to download for free. I like my publishing fair, you see. So! Not only will you get the awesome stuff from the Ghostwoods Books perks, I’ll publish a free short story here too. What are you waiting for?

    Seså, öppna plånboken nu!

  • Help Ghostwoods Books kickstart fair trade publishing

    Ghostwoods Books, a small press based in the UK, are trying to kickstart a better world for authors and editors alike. It’s a great cause on its own, and with the money – £11,111, or about $17,680 – they can get a lot of possibly great books into the grubby hands of readers. Among those, the Haunted Futures anthology stands out.

    If this project is funded on top of their other rewards all backers will receive Haunted Futures, a book that will only be possible if this Kickstarter is funded. A multi-genre anthology with stories by Warren Ellis, John Reppion, Liesel Schwarz, Chuck Wendig, Richard Kadrey, Stephen Blackmoore, Seanan McGuire and more, maybe even you! Illustrated by John Coulthart (Lovecraft’s Monsters). The print book will also available in paperback and hardcover editions as a reward.

    As of writing, the Kickstarter campaign is closing in on 50%, with four days to go. That’s not exactly great odds, but it is possible. Go pitch in to help fund some quality fair share publishing.

    Still on the ropes huh? Tell you what, I’ll do what I did to help the Fireside Fiction Year 2 campaign, and write a short story which you’ll be able to download for free. I like my publishing fair, you see. So! Not only will you get the awesome stuff from the Ghostwoods Books perks, I’ll publish a free short story here too. What are you waiting for?

  • App.net gets funded

    App.net has reached its $500,000 goal via crowdfunding. I backed it, despite the crappy name, and you can too for another day or so.