Tag: iOS

  • Fearing iCloud

    Fearing iCloud

    I’m among the few who think that Apple’s iCloud is doing a pretty good job. Sure, I would like a better overview of my content, and some apps have trouble syncing, but since there are apps that just plain work, I tend to think that this isn’t actually iCloud’s fault. Maybe it’s hard to develop apps that use iCloud, and perhaps it’s unnecessary so. Maybe the apps that work well with iCloud are just made of better stuff. I don’t know and frankly, I don’t care at this point.

    It’s over a year ago since I stopped using Simplenote, instead relying on Apple’s stock Notes.app. It’s not as pretty as Simplenote, and I’m not as organized perhaps, but since I process all my notes on a regular basis I found out that Notes.app did its thing. The iCloud sync gives me access to all my notes, on both iOS and OS X. Simplenote did that too, but I just don’t see the reason for additional apps on both iOS and OS X. And Notes.app just works, thanks to iCloud.


  • These iOS and Android articles are awesome

    I can’t exactly say that I’m reading everything that ends up on The Verge, but I do find that it is a great site overall. If you like truly in-depth reviews, this is the place to look, but what really sets them apart is posts like the Android and iOS visual histories. Great content and lots of images, detailing how these two platforms have evolved over the years. Now if they would just get that whole text column left, text column right thing under control, I’d like them even more!

  • Making something better can pay off

    This story shows that it can pay off to make mockups, alternative solutions, and just plain spend time making something better. Congratulations Peter Hajas, and congratulations Apple, as well as hopefully iOS users in the future.

  • BuddiPhone might be one to watch

    A new plugin called BuddiPhone sets out to make your BuddyPress powered WordPress community more accessible on your iOS device (being iPads and iPhones). The teaser screenshot on the landing page certainly looks clean enough, albeit a bit too close to the official Facebook iPhone app in my opinion.

    Might be one to watch. Props for the name are in order, no matter what!

  • iOS 4.2 släpps idag, svenskt tangentbord till iPaden

    Goda nyheter för svenska iPad-ägare, för Apple släpper iOS 4.2 idag, vilket betyder svenskt tangentbord. Kommer gissningsvis vid 19-snåret i vanlig ordning.

  • iOS 4 är här

    Apple har släppt iOS 4, tidigare känt som iPhone OS. Gratis för alla, med multitasking, mappar och grejor. Laddas hem via iTunes till din iPhone eller iPod touch. Nu.

  • Apple döper om iPhone OS till iOS

    Smart drag från Apple, nu heter det inte iPhone OS längre utan iOS. Med tanke på iPad och i viss mån iPod touch (och kommande Apple TV…) så känns “iPhone” i namnet missvisande.