Tag: PC

  • The PC market is shrinking

    The PC market, as in typical computers mostly running Windows, is shrinking, and it’s the big companies’s fault. Engadget channels IDC and Gartner:

    Both Gartner and IDC estimate that the computer market shrank between 5.2 to 6.7 percent in the first quarter of 2015, in part because many companies stopped upgrading from Windows XP. Simply put, many of the businesses that wanted to modernize already have – they’re not propping up the market like they were for a good chunk of 2014.

    No surprises there. Most traditional computers today are more than capable for most tasks, so why would the vast Office-running majority upgrade anyway? Add the tablets to that equation, and it’s hard to be surprised.

  • The next laptop isn't a laptop

    Matt Gemmell makes a solid case for the current slew of laptops, and how far we’ve come already, that we really don’t need much more than this. His laptop of choice is the 11“ Macbook Air, which I used to have (now I use the 13” retina Macbook Pro). With that in mind, this makes perfect sense (sparked by the 12" Air rumors, no doubt):

    It’s tough to see what the next step will be, though. My wish list has been exhausted. Every checkbox is checked.

    It is, really. The battery life’s there, and the computing power’s been there for years. The keyboard and trackpad are both great, as is – honestly – the value for money. The one thing that’s left to do is to slap a retina screen on the Macbook Air and it’s the perfect computer. Sure, it can be thinner and lighter, and there’s bound to be a ton of things we haven’t thought about, but then what?


  • The Mac's doing just fine

    Not to sound like an Apple blogger or anything, but the recent IDC numbers show that the Mac’s doing well.

    Apple kept the number 5 position on a worldwide basis, maintaining its lead over ASUS. The company’s steady growth, along with recent price cuts and improved demand in mature markets, has helped it to consistently outgrow the market.

    Mac growth is the highest among the top 5, at 18.9% worldwide. The leaderboard stands with Lenovo on top, then HP, Dell, Acer, and Apple.

  • Windows 10, the non-April Fools version

    Microsoft have announced Windows 10 and released a developer preview, if you’re interested. Yes, the Start menu is back, and yes it involves the not called Metro live tiles. Windows 10 is for all Windows formats, from mobile to tablet, to desktop to whatever. Much like Windows 8.

    I have no opinion on Windows 10 yet, I’ve yet to download and try it. I will, later.


  • The Preferred Device

    The Preferred Device

    There’s a lot of talk about how the iPad is almost the PC replacement that we all seem to crave, but not quite there yet. Famous tech writer MG Siegler broached the subject recently, stating that although he would like to not buy any more computers, he didn’t think the iPad (his primary tablet of choice as far as I can tell) was ready yet. In fact, he thinks the iPad’s years away from replacing the computer for all tasks, obviously painting i very broad strokes.

    Promo image of the iPad Air
    Promo image of the iPad Air

    In some cases he’s right. I don’t see myself developing high end websites on my iPad anytime soon, although it is theoretically possible already. Siegler’s example, what a nuisance it is to publish (primarily) text content online using the iPad, compared to using the web browser, is a moot one. The comparison with the web browser workflow is also moot, because the tablet offers a different view altogether.


  • Surfplattan går om laptopen i Sverige

    Skiftet i Sverige har skett tidigare än i många delar av världen. IDC har även släppt siffror för den globala marknaden. Där är prognosen att plattan går om bärbara under 2013 med en försäljningsökning på 58,7 procent till 229,3 miljoner enheter. Enligt IDC går plattorna om hela pc-försäljningen 2015. Siffrorna visar också att det är de mindre plattorna, på under 8 tum som säljs mest, och småplattornas andel av marknaden kommer att öka ännu mer framöver.

    Från Plattans svenska segertåg. Ingen är väl förvånad va? Dessvärre är det nog en hel del budgetplattor som inte kommer användas i någon större utsträckning med i statistiken, men allt eftersom generationerna av framför allt Android rullar på så förändras förstås läget.

  • Then And Now

    Bill Gates thinks that iPad and Android tablet owners are frustrated. It’s primarily the lack of keyboard and Microsoft Office that’re to blame, the Microsoft chairman thinks. And thus there’s a bright future for the Surface line, because that’s essentially a laptop with tablet form factor, and that’s what consumers really want.

    Bill Gates obviously lives in an alternate reality, in which Windows 8 is a success and people really just want to use Windows with their greasy fingers.

    I’m afraid that’s not the case in the real world. The reboot of Windows 8 should be evidence enough of that.

    Surface Pro, pretty in pink
    The Microsoft Surface Pro, pretty in pink


  • Vilka datorer har du ägt genom åren?

    Det frågar TkJ på sin blogg, och jag sitter i telefonkö, så varför inte haka på och dela med sig om min datorportfölj? (more…)

  • Högupplösta Nintendo 64-spel

    Nej, det är inte en Wii-tillsats eller nyheter på Xbox Live Arcade (även om det hade blivit högupplöst då med, så klart). Om du vill så kan du nämligen byta ut lite texturer i dina favoritspel till Nintendo 64, med hjälp av din dator och emulering. Fenomenala Racketboy har en artikel om saken.

  • Halo 3 för $170m, MacBook till elever, och Dreamhack säljer slut (igen)

    En snabb vända ut i solskenet stundar efter dagens lyckade uppgradering, och sedan skall jag se om jag inte kan rulla ut lite fler betafixar så att vi kan debetafiera tdh.se snart! Länkar så länge. (more…)