Yes, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition is done. I’ll post the cover as soon as the publisher gets it my way, along with pre-order links if you want to make sure to get your hands on this major revision of my popular book. More soon!
Tag: Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog
Spotted: Some of my books in Singapore
Singapore It is always nice when I get sent emails or tweets about where my books have been spotted. This photo (click for full-size image), which features both the first and second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (the third edition is on its way!) as well as Tackling Tumblr, was sent to me by Ripperdoc who spotted these books in a book store in Singapore. Thanks!
Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog i tredje utgåva #wpse
Tro det eller ej, men jag har varit flitig. Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog kommer i en tredje utgåva – och nästa vecka har jag en WordPress-relaterad sak till er…
Announcing Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition
A mere hour ago I delivered the manuscript for Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition to my publisher. That’s right, there’ll be a third edition of my WordPress book and I hope you’re as psyched about that as I am. Probably not, but still.
I’ll get back to you with more on this book, along with the cover and a table of contents, some PR talk and stuff like that. For now all I can tell you is that it is a fairly substantial update to the second edition, fully updated to the 3.3 branch of WordPress. I’m pretty happy with it, especially some new examples and ideas to get your minds spinning.
Look for more later. For now, I’ll just sit back and relax, feeling bloody happy of yet another manuscript delivered.
Awesome review of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition
This is an awesome review of my book Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition, courtesy of @markmcg1. I should hire him as my PR assistant.
The cover for Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition
You can now view the cover for Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition on its book page if you’re interested. The book is due on April 18 in the US, and a couple of weeks later in Europe.
Omslaget till Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition
Så här ser omslaget ut till Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition – ganska likt första utgåvan men ändå lite annorlunda. Inlagan är tajtare designad och med färgkodade kodblock, vilket jag personligen är glad över.
Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition släpps den 18 april i USA, och kommer till Europa några veckor senare. Så snart det finns förhandsbokningsmöjligheter uppe så länkar jag dem, förstås.
Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition släpps den 18 april #wpse
Äntligen! Den 18 april släpps Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition, vilket alltså är den andra och synnerligen reviderade upplagan av min första WordPress-bok. Som tidigare blir det först lansering i USA, och några veckor senare dyker den upp i Europa. Jag återkommer med köplänkar när de finns.
Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition due on April 18 in the US
I’m happy to report that my publisher sent me a date for the second edition of my book Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. As with the prior two releases, the book will hit the US first, arriving on April 18, and reach UK and Europe a few weeks later.
I’m still waiting for the cover and stuff like that, so the Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition book page is still pretty raw.
Pre-order links and more when I get it.
Obviously I’m thrilled about having had the opportunity to revise and update the highly popular first edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. The second edition is fully WordPress 3.1 compliant and includes new examples, revised code, and whatnot. I hope you’ll like it.
Smashing WordPress Themes säljer 1 500 ex första månaden #wpse
Nyfiken på hur mina böcker säljer? Läs den här posten vetja.
Smashing WordPress Themes sells 1,500+ first month
I’m happy to let you all know that the preliminary report of the Smashing WordPress Themes: Making WordPress Beautiful sales for February are over 1,500 copies. That’s pretty good, a better start than the first edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog got anyway.
Speaking of which, I’m surprised to see that Beyond the Blog continues to sell well over 500 copies monthly. The book is over a year old and the second edition is due in April, so I urge you to pick up Smashing WordPress Themes instead, or hold off until the Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition in April. More on that one here. (more…)
Have you reviewed my books? Send me the link!
Have you reviewed, or seen a review, of any of my books? As I’m writing this, that would be either Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog (the first edition) or Smashing WordPress Themes: Making WordPress Beautiful. Be sure to send me a link to your review so that I can link it from here. Thanks!
Andra utgåvan av Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog lämnad till förlaget
För en liten stund sedan skickade jag in den sista filen till Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition. Boken utkommer i april (säger förlaget) och är uppdaterad till WordPress 3.1. Det känns oerhört skönt att ha skickat in den här, author review-processen (där redaktörer plockar sönder din älskling och ifrågasätter allt) har varit pressad och onödigt påfrestande på grund av sjukdom.
Men nu är det klart!
Som vanligt skriver jag mer om det här på, en mer naturlig punkt för mitt engelskspråkiga skrivande. Vill du hålla dig a jour med dylikt rekommenderar jag även Facebook-sidan, samt mitt engelska Twitter-konto @tdhedengren. (more…)
Look for the second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog in April
Today I delivered the last part of the manuscript for the second edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. The first edition, which came out in late January last year, have sold well (we’re talking tens of thousand books here) and my publisher (Wiley) are obviously happy with it.
The second edition, which should be able for pre-order from Amazon and other fine online retailers, is due in April this year. It is fully updated for WordPress 3.1, with lots of new examples, concepts and whatnot. I’m pretty happy with it actually, and I believe you will be too. While time and space was limited, I do feel that it adds a lot of value, hopefully enough for fans of the first edition to want to pick up the second edition. At least that’s how I’ve written it, and I hope you’ll agree that it merits a second buy. (more…)
Yes, Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition is for WordPress 3.1+
For those of you who wondered – yes, the 2nd Edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog is written for WordPress 3.1 and above. You should be able to pre-order it from Amazon and other fine online retailers if a few week’s time.