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Tag: tdh.me
Two minor updates
I’ve made two minor updates on the site today.
- The Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition page is updated with some more information, and a pre-order link.
- The store page got the pre-order link for the book too. No Kindle edition available there yet.
I also updated my Amazon author page
with a new cover photo and the @tdh Twitter account.
In the not so distant future you’ll see a lot of changes here on TDH.me, as well as a somewhat steady stream of released content that I’ve neglected. Mostly WordPress themes, but there are some fiction that I’ll probably publish here as well.
How I show my latest tweet on TDH.me
Want to know how I display my latest tweet in the top right, and cache it on top of that? My buddy @dmrsweden made an awesome library, available on GitHub.
Det här använder jag min iPad till
Vad använder jag egentligen min iPad till? Jag har skrivit drygt 3 400 ord om saken, komplett med länkar, på TDH.me.
Nyfiken på nya temat?
Nyfiken på nya temat? Jag skriver lite om bakgrunden till det på TDH.me, samma gäller här kan man säga.
This is TDH7, at least right now
By now you have no doubt noticed that this very site looks different. As I have hinted on Twitter on numerous occasions, I’ve planned a redesign for quite some time. This is it, and it marks the start of a more organized site when it comes to updates and content.
Since you’ve asked, this is the what’s and the why’s of this particular redesign, in FAQ form. (more…)
TDH.me på baksidan av Tackling Tumblr
Jag ska snart skriva mer om min bok om Tumblr, men så länge: det här är en taskig mobilbild från baksidan av boken. TDH.me är, som bekant, min engelska blogg.
Brandat värre. Läs mer om Tackling Tumblr på TDH.me.
Yes, I'll release the old theme eventually
A few of you have asked me of Twitter regarding my previous theme here. It was a child theme for Notes Blog, and will be either merged with the theme or released as a free child theme later on.
Now caching TDH.me
Right, I saw some traffic spikes the other day so I figured I’d turn on some caching just in case. Let me know if anything acts up please.
TDH.me får nytt tema #wpse
Nyfiken på hur TDH.se kommer se ut senare i veckan? Svaret återfinns på TDH.me.
TDH.me is wearing new rags
Just now I’ve rolled out a new version of TDH.me, still using WordPress of course. I’ll tell you all about it tomorrow, as well as fine-tune some things. I hope you’ll like it!
Om att uppföra sig på nätet
Apropå en flamebaitande trams (som jag inte tänker länka till) så skrev jag den här posten på TDH.me om att uppföra sig på nätet.
Silence isn't really golden you know
I hope you’ll excuse the silence here, but I’ve been busy writing my next book, having a week’s vacation, and catching up on work. Things are happening behind the scenes, however, and I hope to talk more openly about that real soon. In case the Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 2nd Edition announcement wasn’t enough to merit the wait and all…
It's iPad week on TDH.me
I’ve been thinking a lot on how the iPad can change our behavior, and these last few days I’ve reached conclusions for business and productivity use. Last night it sparked a bunch of drafts (on my iPad of course), so this week will be iPad week, or something like that.
Skriv varje dag
Jag brukar inte korslänka så mycket, men om du är det minsta intresserad av skrivande så rekommenderar jag min post Write every day på (engelskspråkiga) TDH.me.