• Pioneer gets vergeballed

    The Verge’s saying that Pioneer is ready to deliver Apple CarPlay to its NEX series of dashboard receivers. They launched something new too, AppRadio 4.

    Want to know more? Well, you’re shit out of luck since Pioneer’s site’s down, most likely because of the traffic from The Verge. In other words, they got fireballed, err, vergeballed… No, let’s not delve into that trail of thought any deeper. But yay, CarPlay, right?!

  • One night a week

    Perry Chen writing about Dollar A Day.

    It took us — a small core team working one night a week (Monday night!) — about a year to get here. David and Cassie are now staff, overseeing the nonprofit selection process, community support, and more. As Board members, Zack Sears, Tieg Zaharia, Ben Stone and I are contributing about 5–10 hours a week, sometimes more (like this launch week!), doing design, development, product, copy, and whatever else is needed.

    A good example on how you can launch something without a ton of cash.

  • It's not about the payment, it's about the shopping

    Jason Snell replying to Tim O’Reilly’s essay on payment providers, and O’Reilly’s notion that Uber’s model is truly disruptive while Apple Pay is basically the same old wallet opening action:

    To summon an Uber, O’Reilly needs to take his phone out of his pocket, launch the Uber app, and tap a few times. If those steps sound familiar, it’s because they’re not that different from how one would buy some groceries at Whole Foods using Apple Pay. The phone comes out at the start of the process, rather than the end, but it still comes out.

    I agree with Jason. While the Uber experience feels new and like something from the future, it really is no different than beeping something at the teller by the exit. O’Reilly’s mixing up the payment experience with the shopping experience.

  • Ebola 101

    Sure, Vox is trying to get pageviews on American fear of ebola, originating from rumors of patients within US borders, but their coverage is a pretty good overview if you’re not familiar with the disease.

  • One dollar every day

    I really hope that this isn’t a scam. Legit not for profit, fortunately.

    Dollar A Day is a simple new way to discover and support amazing nonprofits. We feature one great organization every day, everyone automatically donates $1.

    311 signed up users in six hours is pretty good. Check it out.

  • Tech Troopers launched in beta

    Odd Alice, my agency, is part of a startup called Tech Troopers, which just launched in beta. Take a look and let me know what you think. I’m sure there’ll be more about this here in the future, but that’ll have to wait until we’re out of champagne.

  • Tech Troopers smyger ut

    Tech Troopers, en startup Odd Alice är en del av, har nu smugit ut i beta. Ta en titt.

  • Windows 10, the non-April Fools version

    Microsoft have announced Windows 10 and released a developer preview, if you’re interested. Yes, the Start menu is back, and yes it involves the not called Metro live tiles. Windows 10 is for all Windows formats, from mobile to tablet, to desktop to whatever. Much like Windows 8.

    I have no opinion on Windows 10 yet, I’ve yet to download and try it. I will, later.


  • On the purpose of the recent redesign

    This very site runs on WordPress, as it has from day 1, and the eleventh major version of the TDH theme, known as TDH11 because I have no imagination whatsoever when it comes to these things. Most of these iterations have been long-lived, but not all.

    The reason for this particular redesign isn’t that I felt the previous version lacking. Actually, I found it quite pleasant, both to work with as a publisher, and for reading. Then again, if both those things were true there wouldn’t be a revamp in the first place. This brings us to the real reason for this redesign, which is my need to publish shorter and snappier posts. A lot of that commentary have ended up on Twitter, but it’s a format that’s lacking due to its brevity. Sharing short things, sure, and for some watercooler chatter, fine, but not for actual commentary, analysis, or in-depth thoughts.

    Hence this design, which works both with longer pieces and essays, as well as quote and comment shorts.


  • Instapaper goes free with new premium subscriptions

    Details of Instapaper Premium here. Current subscribers won’t have to pay the $3/$30 though, we’ll stay at $1/month. Instapaper is my read later service of choice.

  • Should you leave venture capital backed Ello?

    Ello, the hyped ad free social network, are getting a lot of press. Aral Balkan thinks we should all leave Ello behind though, because it’s backed by venture capital.

    Sorry, Paul, but by taking venture capital you have made a crucial mistake that is incompatible with the goals you set out in your manifesto and I will not support yet another venture-capital funded network only to be disappointed at the time of the inevitable exit.

    He might have a point there, if you want to be all idealistic about these things. The notion that Ello was independently built is shattered, do with that what you will. I’m still on there, for the time being.

  • WordPress sustainability

    Matt Mullenweg, creator of WordPress, thinks we, who make money off the open source publishing platform, should contribute more. 5% of our time, actually.

    It’s a big commitment, but I can’t think of a better long-term investment in the health of WordPress overall. I think it will look incredibly modest in hindsight. This ratio is probably the bare minimum for a sustainable ecosystem, avoiding the tragedy of the commons. I think the 5% rule is one that all open source projects and companies should follow, at least if they want to be vibrant a decade from now.

    The relevance of WordPress is in our hands, and although I’m not so sure about the numbers (5% might nit be the sweet-spot), I do believe that we need to amp up the contributions from the commercial side of things. We’ll definitely be talking about this at Odd Alice, where we already have contributions and core patches to be proud of, but we can no doubt do more.

  • Gold iPad in October?

    Rumor has it that there’ll be a gold iPad in October, much like there are gold iPhone models. I’ve always thought it makes sense to use similar colors and types of casing across the mobile product line for Apple, and the only reason to omit gold from the iPad product line is if it looks bad on a larger device. Given that the iPhone 6 Plus is both huge and available in gold, I can’t see that as a reason not to have a gold iPad model anymore.

  • The Flic hype

    You’ve no doubt seen the Flic signup links. Here’s mine, where you can see how many how signed up for Flic using it as well. Flic isn’t a service, it’s a button that does one thing, developed by Swedish company Shortcut Labs AB.

    Flic is the new era of smartphone simplicity. It is a wireless shortcut button that connects to your smartphone and can do practically anything that your smartphone can do. With flic, you don’t have to take your phone out of the pocket or purse to do simple, every day tasks.

    For each signup you refer, you’ll get closer to get your own Flic for free, coming in 2015, assuming you’ll be a part of the crowdfunding campaign. Or several free Flic buttons, if you spam a lot of your friends. Much like the Dropbox share links where you get additional storage for referrals, but here you’ll work your way up to Flic buttons. And promote the product while doing so, oiling the hype machine…

  • TDH.me har fått ny design

    Min engelska sajt, TDH.me, har fått ny design. En variant av den kommer även rullas ut här, inom en vecka eller två.