That might possibly be the worst post title thus far, but my mind is elsewhere. Besides I’m not one for snappy titles promising gold and glory, while delivering a list of things on my mind at the moment. Which of course is what I’ve got for you.

- I’m hard at work on the fourth edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. It’s coming along nicely (although I’m a week behind my personal schedule), but I’d be lying if I said this wasn’t hard and taxing work. Being a writer’s not a walk in the park, it’s sitting down and getting shit done. No release date yet, other than late 2013. Sorry.
- I’m speaking at MakingWeb in Norway on October 23rd. There’ll be profanity and finger pointing in the main hall, following none other than Jeffrey Zeldman. I might stick around for the whole conference, which continues on the 24th, but I’m afraid that’s up to my wicked schedule. Tickets available.
- I’m also speaking at Internetdagarna. This’ll be in Swedish, but maybe you’re interested anyway. November 25th is the WordPress day, and November 26th is about online publishing. I’m hosting both days. I think there are tickets available.
- These are the only appearances, and thus conferences, left for me this year. You might remember that I’m just going to events where I’m a speaker this year, to help me focus.
- Apple announced the iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c today (be sure to click those links, gorgeous sites). I’m getting the former, but not until December it seems, because they’re taking their merry time rolling these babies out across the world. I blame China and Japan for eating up all the stock. Incidentally, the Apple stock dropped after the announcement, so you should buy if you’re into that sort of thing. They’ll recover when sales are in, it’s always the same procedure after these things. The stock market’s stupid.
- There might still be a newsletter this year. Or maybe I’ll just tweet some more.
- Speaking of Twitter, I’m enjoying posting news and short commentary over there. I should probably do a quote and comment blog, but that’s a commitment I’m not ready for just yet, time-wise.
- The Odd Alice web agency grows in October. More later. There’ll even be a proper site in English, how ’bout that?
That’s it, that’s all.