Questions Answered, May 2013 Edition

I was going to talk about Ghost, the crowdfunded blogging platform, today but as I read my draft I realized that my point was muddled and didn’t get across the way I wanted. The piece went in the bin and I’ll give it another go in a day or so.

Let me instead answer some questions from the modern mailbag, which would mean anything from my email inbox to Twitter, or Facebook. There might be questions directed at me over at Google+ as well, but those will continue to go unanswered.

Are you writing any books right now?
Yup. I’m working on the fourth edition of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, and I’m working on two novels at the moment.

When will Smashing WordPress 4th Edition be released?
When it’s ready… Seriously though, we (meaning me and my publisher, John Wiley & Sons) have decided to revamp it a bit and get it up to speed with the upcoming 3.6 version. That means a release sometime this summer.

When will the follow-up to your free short story be released, and what’s it called?
Expect it in late June, it has to go through the editor as well. The title is, tentatively, The Cutter Letters. There will be both cutters and letters.

Are you contributing to Fireside Magazine?
No, although who knows what’ll happen in the future. I was just giving them a helping hand during the crowdfunding campaign, that’s all.

Will there be an iBooks release of The Writer’s iPad, and when? Will there be a mobi release?
The iBooks Store has proven to be a pain in the ass, something I didn’t expect. Best case scenario you’ll find The Writer’s iPad there sometime late next week, but I wouldn’t hold my breath. I’ll update the package for customers buying the ebook from with a mobi version at the same time, and this will obviously be a free download for all of you who’ve already bought The Writer’s iPad.

Will there be more post on [insert your favorite topic here]?
Most likely, if the topic in question has been covered here previously. I’m planning to ramp up the publishing schedule a bit, to three posts per week, so you might be in luck. In all seriousness, thank you all for your interest in my articles here, especially the Thoughts on Writing series.

That’ll do for now. Hopefully this will answer your questions, and if nothing else I can save time just linking to this little thing whenever needed.

Let me wrap up with some news, as I’m already blabbering about me and my projects here.

  • Appricorn is on hold, but not abandoned. There’s details on the Behind Appricorn blog.
  • I won’t announce any of the two novels mentioned until after summer. In fact, I haven’t even decided how to publish them yet…
  • I’ve been meaning to put together a newsletter for quite some time. Expect that this summer, along with an explanation as to why I’m doing that. It’ll be free, obviously.
  • There are some things missing on this site at the moment (if you missed them, good!), but when I’ve gotten around to fixing them I intend to take a look at the two previous themes and decide wether I should release them or not. They might cost a little something, they might not. I’m not making amy promises on this one though.

That’s all. Get back to your whisky drinking, folks.