Tag: TDH

  • Some Things That Happened Since Last We Spoke

    This is something of a status update, because I’ve got a handful of stuff that I need to put online, and as this very site still is less suitable for short status updates, I’ll employ the bullet list once more.

    • Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog is now in its fourth edition, done and delivered. The book turned out well, and is available for pre-order. I’ll update the book page later next week with additional information, along with the final cover.
    • I was in the Financial Times recently, pertaining to my iPhone novel writing project. The piece is behind the paywall, but you get eight articles for free if you sign up, so go do that.
    • Speaking of iPhone writing: The MobNov project is progressing (fifth outline revision?), and I’ve got something else somewhat related in store for you guys in the coming months.
    • I’ve finished a short story, I’m editing another short story, and I expect to finish a novella next week. It’s great getting back to fiction writing.
    • And finally, Odd Alice (still without a proper English site, sorry) is keeping me busy as always. The coming week involves a trip to Norway to talk to clients, and we’re building really cool stuff that I’ll no doubt write extensively about in the future as it’s related to publishing.

    That’s it for now. Enjoy your Sunday.

  • Some Thoughts In The Evening

    Good evening. At least it’s evening here, bordering to night actually. The wind’s doing its best to shatter the windows, but it’s not even close. This is, after all, cold and damp Stockholm, capital of Sweden (the land of kings). Here wind rarely ruins civilization, although it can be a nuisance, and occasionally something more than that.

    But not tonight, not here.

    It’s been a while since I published something here. There are reasons for this of course. Work has kept me occupied, we’re doing really cool stuff for one of the major publishing houses in Sweden, or rather, with their Swedish properties, using WordPress and ingenuity. Wrapping up Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 4th Edition (a mouthful if there ever was one) has taken its toll too, it’s in author review now and hopefully it’ll launch in the first quarter next year. I’m excited about that.


  • Random Thoughts And Notes

    I’ve got some random thoughts I need to get out of my system. Luckily, there’s a site for that, so here goes.

    • Tumblr and publishing. The whole platform is just so titillating, it makes me want to roll out an online magazine and watch the reblogging commence! It’ll be interesting to see what Epic will do with it, in conjunction with the Medium publishing deal (Medium are backers of Epic). The obvious problems with Tumblr as a publishing platform are still the lack of SEO and problematic monetization of publications residing there. I’ve got a playful Tumblr blog myself, by the way.
    • The verdict’s still out on Medium by the way. I think there’ll be a post on it later on.
    • Speaking of publishing, shelving the Appricorn project has left me with a number of posts about great iOS apps. I’ll either shop around looking for a publisher for these, or just start cranking them out on a simple site. No sense letting work go to waste, as it would since apps are ever-changing. I don’t think I want to publish them here though, this isn’t an Apple blog after all.
    • Newsletters. I still want to get started with one, but at the same time it isn’t something you just jump into. That said, I would have done just that, had Tinyletter not been limited to 2,000 subscribers. That’s just silly.
    • I’m not in the habit of linkblogging here, but if you’re following @tdh on Twitter you’ve no doubt seen the links and commentary there. Having some fun with that, might spin it off in some fashion. Maybe on Tumblr, with a weekly newsletter?
    • WordPress users might’ve noticed some minor changes to the resource page here. Themes have moved to Bitbucket, and I hope to do some minor updates soon.
    • I’m writing a novella (or novelette, we’ll see) at the moment. The first draft is almost ready. This is in addition to the iPhone novel (which will see another status update here soon) and the revision of Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog. Speaking of which, the 4th Edition will be updated to WordPress 3.7 (next version) and should release late this year.
    • My web agency, Odd Alice, is doing well. We’ve started to think about an English site. There are some fun announcements in the pipeline there.

    Ah, that’s better… Carry on.

  • Too Many Chairs

    Too Many Chairs

    I occupy a lot of chairs, wear plenty of hats, don several mantles. You might even say that I do a lot of different things. Some of these things muddle the message a bit, much like using tired old metaphors to explain something simple…

    I’m a writer, first and foremost. That should be pretty clear, but it isn’t, since I not only write technical books, articles, and columns, but also write fiction, both long and short. To complicate things even further, I also write essays and blog posts, ebooks and commentary to what have you. So while I’m a writer, it’s hard to tell what kind, even for me (other than “the kind that writes” of course). Communicating this, be it in conversation or in promotional material, is tricky.  (more…)

  • Happy 10th Birthday, WordPress

    Happy 10th Birthday, WordPress

    WordPress turns ten years old today and that’s celebrated across the world (see #wp10 on Twitter and the WP10 site for more). Unfortunately I’m not joining the festivities, despite there being quite a few events in Sweden. Instead I’m stuck at home putting the finishing touches to a very long day, the first of several this week.

    Before I turn my attention elsewhere, someplace offline, I did want to write a little something about the world’s dominant CMS, and what’ve paid most of my bills the past few years.

    I stumpled onto WordPress early. I used to roll my own platforms, with the help of people more talented than me, and publish videogame sites in Swedish. But I never came to terms with relying on other people’s free time and good will, and I never did get comfortable with all the help I got for free. It was nice and necessary, something we all did together, a bunch of kids making a dent in cyberspace, but in the end I always knew that it was neither sustainable nor fair should costs and money threaten to gain control. I’d been down that road before, and lost a friend because of it.  (more…)

  • From TDH, To TDH

    Every now and then I get an email from a reader that makes me smile. This one, signed Hanse, was such an email, reposted with permission.

    Hello TDH from another TDH.

    I landed on your website while looking for whatever Facebook users are called. I enjoyed that and your Inspiration, Infinite Scrolling and especially What to Write articles. Thanks for posting them!

    Mostly I’m just glad that if someone else is going to use TDH, I’m glad it was done so well and positively. People might even think it’s me if they don’t look at your picture! Or read much.

    Good going!

    This is why you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with some kind words every now and then. Not just to me obviously, but to people who do something you like. There is so much negativity online, and it’s so easy to post a snarky comment, so these things stand out. They can be heart-warming, even.

    If you’d like to talk to me, I’m @tdh on Twitter, and @tdh on App.net, got a Facebook page, and a Tumblr blog too, and you could even email me if that’s your poison. I love to talk, so don’t be a stranger. Even if it’s just a quirky little email like the one above.

  • Hello, Says The Writer

    Folks, I’m what you call a writer. I write words that stumble upon each other, form sentences, paragraphs, articles, books, lyrics, and the occasional obscenity. Come to think of it, most of these forms of expressing myself in the written form are related to obscenity in some fashion. I guess that’s just who I am, or rather what society demands of me should I want my ego to be appropriately stroked on a semi-daily basis.

    That lousy worm, the part of me that writes words like these, that nasty little bugger, he craves further attention. He almost wants to blog again, although he still maintains the healthy loathing for the word, the so called profession, and the lifestyle of the blogger. In fact, that dark little devil is very close to deleting this very site every now and then, although he usually passes out before committing said crime against humanity, not to mention the bank account.


  • En liten lägesrapport

    Det är tyst från mig just nu, så pass tyst att det dyker upp pingar på diverse sociala nätverk (Facebook, Twitter och App.net) samt inte minst per e-post. Lyckligtvis är det få som försöker ringa mig…

    Hur svarar man lättast? Jo, med en bloggpost så klart.


  • En vecka med @tdh

    Det är nu lite drygt en vecka sedan jag slog över för att twittra enbart från mitt före detta engelska konto, @tdh. Nu är alltså @tdh mitt standardkonto, vilket jag beskriver desto mer ingående, inklusive anledningarna och hur jag resonerat samt gör, i den här posten.

    Så hur har det gått? Hur många har skrikit ut sin vånda över att gamla @tdhse bara innehåller länkar (samt en och annan påminnelse om bytet till @tdh) till sådant jag skriver på svenska online?


  • TDH.se får nya kläder

    Som synes har TDH.se fått ny design, responsiv och allt. Det är en del kvar att göra, men klicka gärna runt och tyck till i kommentarerna vetja!

  • Twitterkonsolidering

    Som ni kanske vet så har jag haft två huvudsakliga Twitter-konton under lång tid. Under @tdhse har jag länge twittrat på svenska, och det är också där jag har följt svenska twittrare. Tidigare hade jag @tdhedengren för engelskt twittrande, ytterst sporadiskt, men efter att jag lyckades få loss @tdh har min aktivitet där ökat. Jag twittrar alltså på engelska med @tdh.

    Två Twitter-konton är ingen bra idé. Det splittrar konversationen och det ena blir hela tiden underprioriterat, för var skickar jag den där smarta tweeten eller frågan? Tills nu har @tdh varit kontot som fått stiga till sidan, merparten av konversationerna är trots allt på svenska med svenskar. Samtidigt känns det väldigt dumt, “TDH” är ju jag, mitt varumärke, så varför ska jag använda @tdhse då? (more…)

  • Mer om tredje utgåvan av Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog

    Nyfiken på mer om Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition? Det är tveklöst den bästa versionen hittills, så kolla in boksidan vetja. Dessutom: lätt uppdaterad författarsida på Amazon.

  • Two minor updates

    I’ve made two minor updates on the site today.

    1. The Smashing WordPress: Beyond the Blog, 3rd Edition page is updated with some more information, and a pre-order link.
    2. The store page got the pre-order link for the book too. No Kindle edition available there yet.

    I also updated my Amazon author page with a new cover photo and the @tdh Twitter account.

    In the not so distant future you’ll see a lot of changes here on TDH.me, as well as a somewhat steady stream of released content that I’ve neglected. Mostly WordPress themes, but there are some fiction that I’ll probably publish here as well.

  • Tackling Tumblr interview over at Tumbleweed

    I’ve been interviewed over at Tumbleweed about the Tackling Tumblr book. Check it out.

  • Plåtad

    Överjävligt duktiga Tobias Björkgren tog en ny pressbild åt mig för ett par dagar sedan. Naturligtvis bloggade han om saken.