• Om att välja

    Jag är en kronisk projektstartare som inte mår bra om bollarna i luften blir för få. Det är en grym egenskap, men stundtals förbannat jobbigt. Ibland måste man helt enkelt stanna upp, andas, och fundera på vilka av alla de där galna idéerna som faktiskt betyder något.

    Det har jag gjort den senaste månaden, efter att jag insett att min sommar inte gav mig någon vila över huvud taget. Jag varvar ner, fokuserar, lägger ner och refuserar mig igenom allt på mitt bord. Från egna idéer till möjligheter, uppdrag och andras visioner. En del blir besvikna på utfallet, andra frustrerade, troligen allra mest jag. (more…)

  • The MacBook Air, redux

    I have owned three MacBook Air models. Luckily I skipped out on the first one, which had serious issues with heat and sudden crashes. The minor update that led to the second MacBook Air was the first one I got, and then it struck me. This is the perfect typewriter, way beyond any laptop I had ever owned, and those are numerous I can tell you that.

    I loved that Air, all its 1,6 GHz of low voltage processing power, the touchpad and even its awkward two buttons, the whole package. It was underpowered with its 2 GB of RAM and the 4200 rpm hard drive, combined with heating issues that firmware updates and some sensible usage sorted out for me personally. Still, best typewriter ever, thanks to its wonderful keyboard and the form factor. Love it. (more…)

  • Förlagan till Veckans Blogg

    Parallellt med att jag frilansade för The Blog Herald och Devlounge så startade jag upp en intervjublogg som hette, och heter, BloggerTalks. En gång i veckan gjorde jag en intervju med en känd, framgångsrik och intressant bloggare. Känns det igen? Inte så konstigt, Veckans Blogg har precis samma grundpremiss.

    I alla fall, BloggerTalks var inte bara omtyckt utan även ett väl avvägt projekt. Intervjuerna i sig gav så klart trafik och inlänkar, men det var inte allt. Det fanns helt enkelt en lucka, ingen gjorde sådant just då, ingen som syntes i bloggosfären i alla fall, och jag ville roffa åt mig lite mer utrymme. Precis som tidigare så planerade jag helt enkelt att bli mer intressant som frilansare och få mer jobb. BloggerTalks skulle leva ett eget liv, en prestigefyllt sidoprojekt. Såvitt jag kan minnas har jag inte kört några annonser på den, förutom i övergångsfasen. (more…)

  • On Lion: Fullscreen apps are great, but…

    One of the new features in Lion is that apps can have a fullscreen mode that essentially gives them a dedicated Space of their own. This is really sweet in some apps, but others just won’t work. (more…)

  • On Lion: My apps on Launchpad's home screen

    There is no doubt that Lion has a lot in common with iOS and its home screens. These are the apps that I have on my first home screen in Launchpad, the new applications launcher introduced in Lion, on my writing computer (which is an 11″ MacBook Air by the way):

    Launchpad home screen

    Click for larger image.

    I expect this to change, but this is it right now. What’s on your home screen in the Launchpad?

    More On Lion posts →

  • On Lion: Adding more Spaces

    I still miss Spaces, but as it turns out you can add more of them from Mission Control (thanks @jakob) using the plus sign in the top right, which will only appear if you hover that area or if you hold down the ALT key (thanks @jholmberg). Sneaky design move, Apple!

    Add a space

    You can move apps between Spaces by dragging and dropping in Mission Control, or by right clicking on their icons in the Dock and use the Options menu. This is nice, but a way more cumbersome task than the previous solution with a dedicated options page where you easily assigned apps to specific Spaces.

    You still can, but you must remember to never close a Space in Missions Control because then any assigned apps will open in whatever Space you’re in. Never closing Spaces solves everything, I guess but I would’ve liked a dedicated settings page for this, like we had in Snow Leaopard.

    All that aside, I’m glad I was told about this feature. Spaces open and all is well. Check.

  • Gawker Media updates the hated new design

    Less boxy and a bit cleaner but still not all that appealing is my verdict. Gizmodo is the only Gawker site with details on the new design as I’m writing this, but the whole network got the update at the same time.

  • On Lion: I miss my Spaces

    The latest operating system for Mac from Apple is called Lion. Apple talks less and less about “OS X” when they mention Lion, and the version number is usually missing (10.7 if you wanted to know) from any information. It just works, as Apple and their cohorts tend to say.

    Is it perfect, this Lion-thingy?

    No, Google tells me there are a ton of bugs. Nothing too crucial although it might depend on what you’re doing with your computer, so I urge you to research that before updating your OS. (more…)

  • Tweeting more

    I’ve got a pretty full plate right now and hopefully I can get back to you guys with some news soonish. Meanwhile, I’m tweeting more, so be sure to follow @tdh for some commentary, regular nonsense, and good ol’ chitchatting in 140 characters or less.

  • Debutantbloggen vann #veckansblogg förra veckan

    Knackig uppkoppling har försenat den här länken. I alla fall, förra veckans vinnare av Veckans Blogg var Debutantbloggen, och de finns förstås intervjuade som vanligt.

  • Changes midstream

    I need to come to a decision and I figured it would be easier to do that by writing a few words about my reasoning. Here’s the thing: I’m writing a novel, it’s been outlined (more or less) for the past three years or so. The story interconnects with other stories, which I intend to write as well (have already started, actually), and the sole reason I started writing the novel in the first place was to get off my ass.

    You might say I started in the middle, in medias res, of the larger picture. It seemed a good idea at the time. (more…)

  • Rösta på vad du vill höra på #sswc

    I år tar SSWC ett nytt grepp: fredagsgridden röstas fram och ska du till Tjärö bör du tycka till. Jag har två sessioner föreslagna, en om WordPress tillsammans med andra smartskallar, och en hur man kan gå från bloggpost till utgiven bok. Mycket bra dock, kolla hela listan vetja!

  • Jag har fått tag i @tdh på Twitter

    Efter att ha krånglat med kontoinnehavaren så lyckades jag övertyga Twitter om att @tdh hörde hemma hos mig. Så nu är mitt gamla engelska konto omvandlat till @tdh (gamla @tdhedengren matar bara länkar från RSS-flöden). Följ @tdh för tweets och snack på engelska, följ @tdhse för motsvarande på svenska, helt enkelt.

  • Follow @tdh

    I’m happy to tell you all that I’m now tweeting under @tdh, rather than the somewhat cumbersome @tdhedengren. If you already follow me you won’t have to do anything, the @tdhedengren account just changed its handle. However, if you don’t then you should know that @tdh is for communicating with me, and @tdhedengren features links to all things TDH across the webosphere.