• Blackberry, Netbooks, And Are We Really That Stupid?

    Twitter tells me that Blackberry, the company formerly known as RIM, is launching a new phone, and that it has a keyboard. Because, you know, that’s what all the cool kids want, physical phone keyboards.

    That kind of snark is common these days. Everyone is doing touchscreen, Blackberry obviously doesn’t “get it” and thus they’re stuck in the 00s. It’s almost Bill Gates bad, you know!

    Except that it might not be, of course.  (more…)

  • Free Short Story: My Name Is Estam

    During the successful Fireside Magazine Year 2 Kickstarter, which I helped fund with my extreme (hrm…) generosity and, more importantly, unquenchable thirst for words and stories of all sorts, I made a promise. This happened in the middle of the night, and I said something like this:

    If Fireside Magazine gets funded I’ll write a short story and give away for free. It’ll be about a guy with a sword.

    At the time I had no idea what that meant, but for some reason “a guy with a sword” felt right. I might’ve been tired, slightly drunk, or both. We’ll never know because I have a lousy memory. (more…)

  • Then And Now

    Bill Gates thinks that iPad and Android tablet owners are frustrated. It’s primarily the lack of keyboard and Microsoft Office that’re to blame, the Microsoft chairman thinks. And thus there’s a bright future for the Surface line, because that’s essentially a laptop with tablet form factor, and that’s what consumers really want.

    Bill Gates obviously lives in an alternate reality, in which Windows 8 is a success and people really just want to use Windows with their greasy fingers.

    I’m afraid that’s not the case in the real world. The reboot of Windows 8 should be evidence enough of that.

    Surface Pro, pretty in pink
    The Microsoft Surface Pro, pretty in pink


  • Tankar om kommentarer

    Jag tog bort kommentarerna på TDH.me, min engelska sajt, och så här gick det.

  • On Removing Comments

    I haven’t had comments enabled on this site for quite some time now. The previous, very light-weight version of TDH.me did away with the comment block. Obviously there are no comments now either, and I’m seriously contemplating taking similar action on other sites I run.

    Removing comments have had these effects, both immediate and long term:

    • The conversation rate has increased, but moved. We’re now talking on Twitter and to some extent on App.net.
    • The tone of the conversation was always pretty decent here, but it has improved nonetheless. Criticism is constructive, praise is just as nice as ever.
    • There is no moderation, and no missed comments, to manage and apologize for.
    • I don’t have to worry about spam, which includes both it spam bots and the occasional trolling.

    This would’ve been the perfect opportunity for a graph of some sort, but I’ve got no numbers to share. Sorry.  (more…)

  • Amazon Thinks I Should Buy The Writer's iPad

    Amazon are generally great when it comes to promoting relevant content to its customers. Their newsletters often result in me spending a few dollars on books. But this time I think they went a bit too far, by listing The Writer’s iPad as a top pick for me in their most recent mailing:

    Amazon recommends The Writer's iPad to me
    Amazon recommends The Writer’s iPad to me

    No Amazon, I won’t be buying my own book from you, but thanks anyway. It’s not that far off actually, if I hadn’t written it myself I’d buy it in a heartbeat.

    Here’s hoping that same recommendation went out to a bunch of other people as well. I could do with a sales bump on Amazon.

  • Fearing iCloud

    Fearing iCloud

    I’m among the few who think that Apple’s iCloud is doing a pretty good job. Sure, I would like a better overview of my content, and some apps have trouble syncing, but since there are apps that just plain work, I tend to think that this isn’t actually iCloud’s fault. Maybe it’s hard to develop apps that use iCloud, and perhaps it’s unnecessary so. Maybe the apps that work well with iCloud are just made of better stuff. I don’t know and frankly, I don’t care at this point.

    It’s over a year ago since I stopped using Simplenote, instead relying on Apple’s stock Notes.app. It’s not as pretty as Simplenote, and I’m not as organized perhaps, but since I process all my notes on a regular basis I found out that Notes.app did its thing. The iCloud sync gives me access to all my notes, on both iOS and OS X. Simplenote did that too, but I just don’t see the reason for additional apps on both iOS and OS X. And Notes.app just works, thanks to iCloud.


  • From TDH, To TDH

    Every now and then I get an email from a reader that makes me smile. This one, signed Hanse, was such an email, reposted with permission.

    Hello TDH from another TDH.

    I landed on your website while looking for whatever Facebook users are called. I enjoyed that and your Inspiration, Infinite Scrolling and especially What to Write articles. Thanks for posting them!

    Mostly I’m just glad that if someone else is going to use TDH, I’m glad it was done so well and positively. People might even think it’s me if they don’t look at your picture! Or read much.

    Good going!

    This is why you shouldn’t hesitate to get in touch with some kind words every now and then. Not just to me obviously, but to people who do something you like. There is so much negativity online, and it’s so easy to post a snarky comment, so these things stand out. They can be heart-warming, even.

    If you’d like to talk to me, I’m @tdh on Twitter, and @tdh on App.net, got a Facebook page, and a Tumblr blog too, and you could even email me if that’s your poison. I love to talk, so don’t be a stranger. Even if it’s just a quirky little email like the one above.

  • Boredom


    I have this problem, maybe you do too. I like to make things. Start projects. Develop stuff. Break rules. Create new publications. Establish companies. Publish.

    Write shit.

    I’m quite mad, that’s what some keep telling me. Others have tried to find a diagnosis, some sort of psychological branding that would explain my inability to actually cash in on every thing I do, no matter how successful they might be in the end.

    I never claimed to be a businessman. There are others better suited for that.

    I just get bored.  (more…)

  • Beta Readers

    I don’t think there is a writer alive that doesn’t feel uncomfortable letting someone else read his or her words. Perhaps not the final published edition, maybe you’re so convinced of its glorious quality that you can’t see how a reader wouldn’t worship you until the end of days after reading it, but every draft, every rewrite before that, they are just so raw.

    Some writers write their story, their mammoth article or whatever it is they are writing, and then they send it to the editor and/or publisher. I think that is a bad idea. I think you need beta readers before that.

    Beta readers should be utilized when you start to feel done with your work. You might have done a ton of rewrites, or just a quick and dirty editing pass, either way you’ll know when you need some outside input. The sooner you feel confident to send something to your beta readers, the better.


  • The Writer's iPad, One Week Later

    What a week.

    Around this time last week I unleashed The Writer’s iPad upon the world. People seem to like it, although I haven’t been able to follow up on that as much as I would’ve liked. At the very least, I am very happy with getting some nice exposure from the likes of Minimal Mac and Tools & Toys, as well as several nice tweets. There’s been some Swedish pieces about the ebook too, but since most of you won’t understand much of those I’ll let them be for the time being.

    Alexander at Odd Alice did the cover
    Alexander at Odd Alice did the cover

    All and all, I’m really happy with The Writer’s iPad thus far. The project is far from laid to rest though, as I have yet to get the ebook up on iBooks Store. The planned method of getting it there turned out to make the ePub look like crap, and that’s a shame since The Writer’s iPad got the professional layout treatment from my friend and colleague Alexander at Odd Alice. I won’t put a sub-par version up on iBooks Store when there is a perfectly good ePub available in the package that you get when buying The Writer’s iPad from yours truly. This is a priority come next week – The Writer’s iPad will hit the iBooks Store, I promise you that. For now, if you can’t wait, just buy the package from me (for $3,99), the ePub looks and works great in iBooks.


  • The Writer’s iPad finns ute nu

    The Writer's iPadVi tar det viktigaste först. Min ebok The Writer’s iPad finns ute nu. Den kostar $3,99 (runt 27 kr) om du köper den från mig, men moms (25% för eböcker) tillkommer, så det blir 34 kr ungefär. Det är den värd tycker jag, fast jag är ju något partisk, så jag låter Martin Ackerfors tycka till i stället:

    För alla som någon gång övervägt att använda en iPad för författande är @tdh:s The Writer’s iPad given läsning. Spana in den på tdh.me.

    The Writer’s iPad är alltså en ebok om att använda iPad för skrivande. För det går utmärkt, det har jag bevisat gång på gång genom att skriva allt från artiklar och bloggposter, till delar (och hela, faktiskt) böcker med paddan som främsta verktyg. Allt du behöver är rätt kombination av appar och tillbehör.


  • The Day When Nothing Worked

    I had five things to do today.

    1. Test a simple API script on a client server, and report on the findings to a client. This should’ve taken 30 minutes or so.
    2. Tweak a search page for a client, and let them test it thoroughly. This was estimated to take up to an hour.
    3. Launch the new version of TDH.me.
    4. Launch The Writer’s iPad, on a store of my own as well as on Amazon. Possibly submit the ebook to other retailers as well.
    5. Celebrate with the bubbly stuff.

    Things didn’t quite work out the way I planned.


  • The Apps from The Writer's iPad

    The Writer's iPad, available now

    There are a lot of apps featured in The Writer’s iPad, and chances are you don’t feel like searching for them manually on the App Store. Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered!

    Below are links to the apps so that you can look at screenshots, see what’s new and so on. The links are affiliate links so if you should happen to buy something after clicking them, you’ll help finance my coffee addiction.  (more…)