We’re supposed to remember to type 2021, and it’s easier than ever because what a shit year 2020 was. I mean really, you’d be hard-pressed to dream up something worse.
(more…)Category: Life
Life’s full of everything. This is where you’ll find just that, everything that is, but probably with a personal touch. If there was a miscellaneous category on my site, this would be it.
Bad Habit Projects
Author Preeti Chhibber pretty much nails it, in her How I Work interview on Lifehacker:
… I have a very bad habit where I start a lot of projects at the same time, and I end up with four podcasts, several blogs, and all these things.
Me too, Preeti. Me too.
In 2 Minutes or Less
Here’s something to live by: If it takes 2 minutes or less, just do it.
Got an email that you can reply to in 2 minutes or less? Hit reply and, well, reply, getting it out of your inbox and – more importantly – out of your mind.
Five Things (April 10th, 2020)
Some things are not important and/or baked enough to be proper posts, nor are they journal entries, and then those things go to die. (Or end up in the newsletter, I guess…)
No more. I’m resurrecting the list posts, because if blogs can be back (they never left), then so can list posts. Buzzfeed’s stocks are soaring, I’m sure.
I used to do these Things Enjoyed lists a few years ago. Time sure flies, and now we’re all in quarantine and bored, so this sort of thing feels quite on point again. The concept is simple. I write about five things I’ve enjoyed recently, you read it, and then go about your day.
Turning 40
I’m turning 40 today.
(Please hold your applause.)
My girlfriend says turning 40 changes you. Or rather, that it’s different afterwards. I’m not so sure, it’s just a number, right? Maybe I’ll feel different about it later.
Yes, I can tell COVID-19 affects you
There’s an email about COVID-19 and what the sender does about it, or rather, an affirmation that it is taking the virus seriously, hitting my inbox every other hour. These mails is from grocery stores and shopping malls, todo app developers and gaming companies, airlines and tech giants, and so on. They’ve all seen fit to write the same bloody email about COVID-19, and spam the world with self-righteous words meaning nothing.
Yes, I get it, we get it. The virus affects you, and you might have to make some changes in your offerings (most don’t), but I shouldn’t worry because you’re following the development closely. Thank the heavens, what would I ever do without this knowledge.
This situation is hard, more so for some than others. Nobody needs a we take this seriously email from a business. Add value or shut up, it’s as simple as that.
Letting Clients Go
I’ve been running various sorts of consultancy businesses since the late 90s, and doing mostly digital agency stuff since the early 10s. I’ve worked with big brands and small, with startups and institutions older than my late great-grandfather. There’s been a lot of clients over the 20+ years I’ve been doing this, and I’ve learned a lot from both successes and failures. Mostly the latter, as we’re wont to do.
Saying goodbye to a client, by which I mean letting them go, boils down to four reasons:
- They’re unhappy with you, or the work you do together.
- You’re unhappy with them, for whatever reason.
- The work has stagnated and frustration brews.
- They’re total asshats.
Brain dumping (or welcome to my (b)log)
Things aren’t looking like they used to here. Yesterday I finally flipped the switch on the new site, then I went to bed. It’s by far the most low-key launch I’ve done in years, but it shouldn’t be. This is my online home, my corner of the web, and while I never forgot about the difference between participating on a social network and actually publishing a site of your own, I didn’t exactly live it, did I?
Five Things (October 16, 2018)
It’s time for yet another list of things I’ve enjoyed recently. This time it’s a mix between gadgets and apps, with a dash of booze. Sounds pretty good, right? I certainly think so…
- Let’s get it over with: The iPhone XS Max is great in every single way. I’m reading a lot more – again – thanks to the larger, and utterly brilliant, screen.
- I haven’t played a lot of games the past year or so, but I’m slowly getting back into it. Currently I’m enjoying a quirky RPG called Golf Story, for the Nintendo Switch. It reminds me of the original Mario Golf game, which was great.
- I’m thrilled that I can get Blanton’s Single Barrel in Sweden again. It’s a very tasty bourbon, not too sweet, and I like it a lot. So much better than the somewhat bland Gold Edition.
- Remember Flipboard? I’ve been using it for a couple of weeks, and it’s become a part of my media consumption habits. The majority of articles I read end up in Pocket, though.
- Been writing with iA Writer for a long time now, and I can’t recommend it enough. The latest update adds support for hashtags, which is particularly useful. Available for a bunch of platforms, check it out.
There are more Things Enjoyed, if you’re into this sort of thing. And as always, do tell me about the stuff you like by sending a tweet to @tdh.
Five Things (September 12, 2018)
It’s time for another list of five things I’ve enjoyed recently. I keep doing this almost as irregular as my newsletter. Yeah, yeah, I get it. Anyway, here’s the list. Enjoy.
- Olympus OM-D E-M5 Mark II is a pretty grand mirror-less camera. I’ve been using it for some time, and grown fond of it. It’s not without its quirks, like the sometimes shitty wifi hotspot thing and its crappy app, but for shooting slightly better than iPhone X photos, it’s great.
- My friend and colleague Anders is not only a WordPress theme god, he’s also a fellow coffee lover. He was the one who turned me on to the Virtuoso coffee grinder, the perfect companion to my Chemex. Makes me happy.
- I needed a small bluetooth speaker, so I went with the Dali Katch. It’s a nice little thing that fills a room in an impressive way for its size. Speakers in two directions help, a silly carrying handle does not, but this one served me well this summer.
- Ardbeg An Oa seems fitting at the moment. It’s a smoky whisky, give it a go if you like that sort of thing. I do.
- Final Space is an animated series on Netflix that blew my mind. The world-building here is part Star Wars, part Mass Effect with a touch of Borderlands and Rick and Morty. Just watch it.
What do you use these days? Hit me up on Twitter and let me know. Previous lists can be found here.
The photo up top is by my buddy and fellow Divide & Conquerer, Anders Norén.
It’s time to Divide & Conquer
I sold my web agency, Odd Alice, one year ago, with a clear goal in mind. Things didn’t turn out the way we – meaning the new owners and I – planned, which meant that I took on a much more active role at 24HR than initially planned. Fast forward to today, and I’m happy to announce a new digital agency based in Stockholm. We’re calling ourselves Divide & Conquer, and it’s going to be great!
But let’s start from the beginning, shall we?
Preparing for the next step
I never meant to run the Odd Alice web agency for as long as I did. There were others that were supposed to take over, but life and illness held me there. Don’t get me wrong, I wasn’t resisting as much as I perhaps should have, because working with people, brilliant and fun people, that you can call your friends is a gift.
Sometime in 2016 things got a bit too messy for me personally. I’m not quite sure what made me look for prospective buyers, and it’s beside the point, but I did start to shop around. There were interested parties, mainly consulting firms and agencies, which just wouldn’t jive with the Odd Alice culture. And then there was 24HR, with grand plans and an idea of non-operative owners.
It took two years to finalize the deal, but we moved in to the 24HR office in Stockholm (there’s also a Malmö office) on August 1st, 2017. Some shareholders got paid in cash, others (well, me) in shares in the 24HR parent company, as part of the deal. I was looking forward to merging with a fully functional business, with an extensive administrative apparatus in place. There was also a talented COO running the office, and whatever doors this would open for my team, and myself. There were grand plans and expectations, as I said.
We, being me and Malin of Odd Alice founder fame, sold the apartment in Stockholm, and moved to Österlen in the south of Sweden. The idea was for me to be an asset when needed, for concepts and special projects. Our initial goal was me at the Stockholm office a few days every other week.
That didn’t happen.
Moving operations to a new team and management structure is tricky. It gets infinitely more challenging if the person meant to be in charge decides to quit. There’s obviously more to that story, but let’s leave it at that.
We were left with a Stockholm office without a leader. That’s not good for business, nor morale. The obvious choice was for me to step in temporarily, and that’s what happened. So from bi-weekly visits to the Stockholm office, flying back and forth, I went to weekly visits, then to being there Monday to Friday. Finally it became bi-weekly visits to my home and family, rather than the other way around. Add some administrative turmoil to this and you get the exact opposite to what was planned. We, as owners, all agreed that this was an issue, and we were going to work on solving it.
Thing is, work is fun. It was a great team, and I didn’t do it all by myself. I had my team, and I had Helena Waern. It became obvious pretty early that she and I brought different things to the table, so we sat down and figured out how we could make the office work. Then we took it from there, sorted things out, and turned business around during a hectic couple of months.
We had plans, of rebranding and bringing focus to the Stockholm branch. Lots of energy, plenty of ideas, and many late nights writing quotes and offers. It was fun, rewarding, and utterly exhausting for us both. Add the travel, and it’s not hard to figure out that we were running out of time.
As it turns out, my idea or how a business should be run, and what’s important, didn’t match with the owners of 24HR. The owners at this point in time included myself, but since the idea was for owners to not be operational, I felt I couldn’t both represent the people working at the office, and the owners. And thus I didn’t, I kept out of the loop, mostly focusing on running the office with Helena.
To make a long story short, both me and Helena worked way too much. We didn’t get the support we needed, and that’s not a good place to be in. So we started talking about how we should work together in the future. At this moment in time, it was obvious to us that we should continue to work as a team.
There was talks and negotiations about a sale, of both offices and just the Stockholm one. I’m not going to go into that. Suffice to say, it didn’t work out, and sooner or later enough’s enough.
I did my last day at the end of June, and left after that. Helena went on vacation.
I no longer own any shares in 24HR. That would be unseemly. I wish the remaining owners all the best, and we might help each other out with remaining client work. We’ll see.
I’d like to offer my sincere thanks to the great people I’ve had the pleasure of working with the past year.
Mattias Ekendahl, Ellen Nordenskjöld, Mikael Hornaeus, Mark Ellis, and Marco Hyyryläinen. You’ve all been great. I’ve enjoyed working with you. We’ve had fun, I think. Circumstances could’ve been better, but such is life, right? I wish you all the best on your future endeavors. I’m sure we’ll meet down the road.
And yes, that list is not complete. You know where this is going.
The team
I’ve founded Divide & Conquer with Helena. We’re doing this thing with our fellow superstars Emma Fresk and Anders Norén. I couldn’t be more happy with this team. We’re bound to do some great things together.
Emma is a bright shining star. She’ll amaze us all, I have no doubt.
Anders is an amazing developer and designer, and a good friend. This was bound to happen, buddy.
And Helena is the perfect co-founder for this digital agency. We’re such a good team that it’s almost embarrassing.
Together we’ll build and design websites, APIs, apps, concepts, and strategy. We’ll also continue my work as an advisor and business developer for startups. In fact, we’re already doing this.
What’s next?
As of today, August 1st, 2018, Divide & Conquer is in business. We’ve technically been in business for a while, but today is the first day when we’re all officially employed, working full time with Divide & Conquer. It feels great.
We’ve already been in the news with Bark Bar, a watering hole for dogs outside of our studio at Tomtebogatan 18 in Vasastan, Stockholm. And we have some clients, with more to come. Meetings, ideas, community projects, conferences, and then some – there’s a lot we want to do.
It’s back to basics for me, but with new ideas and concepts for making things work. Tools and strategies, all those things that makes an agency work, there are ideas for how that should or could work. I’m looking forward to sharing the experience, because it’s rare to be able to try something from the beginning like this, with no history whatsoever. Well, plenty of history, but a blank slate.
So there you have it. If you want to work with me, check out Divide & Conquer for contact information. There’ll be a proper site down the line, but for now we’re focusing on client work. We’re documenting #barkbar and other things on our Instagram, and there’s obviously pages on Facebook and Linkedin as well.
I can’t wait to see where this leads. It’s going to be a great adventure.
Huel it when it’s hot
Anyone keeping up with my journal knows that Stockholm is currently experiencing something of a heatwave. All of Sweden is, with ensuing forest fires, people getting sick from the heat, among other things. Keeping hydrated when it’s hot is hard, and although I normally drink plenty of water, I feel it’s not enough.
That’s where Huel comes in. Huel is a (vegan) supplement shake that can, theoretically, replace your entire diet. It is supposed to contain everything you need to survive, and it doesn’t taste like shit. I’ve been using it for some time now, substituting a meal here and there. It’s filling and, when you get used to drinking rather than chewing, it leaves you satisfied.
It also makes you drink plenty of water, whether you like it or not, because you have to mix the Huel powder with something and water is the best choice. I’ve found that the days where I’ve had one or more Huel shakes, I feel better in this heat. This, I believe, is for two reasons.
- I get more fluids into my body, as in a bonus 400-500 ml. That’s a lot, because I don’t drink less just because I’ve had a Huel shake. On the contrary, I want to wash it down with a glass of water or two.
- I actually get the necessary nutritions for my body, which is more than I can say for some days. Eating properly is hard in the heat, drinking is easier, and thus I’m fueling my body better thanks to the Huel shakes.
Yes, that all reads like a promoted post or something, but I’m not getting paid to say this. I’ve turned people on to Huel, and although this sort of, shall we call it food, isn’t for everyone, it’s also helping those who have a hard time eating enough. I have that problem myself at times, and this helps.
So how does it taste? Well, the vanilla flavored Huel is pretty decent. You don’t need to add any taste to it, although I personally prefer it with a couple of shots of espresso or a quarter of brewed coffee, and some ice. There are flavor packs, which I’ve tried and passed on. Too artificial for my taste, I prefer the relative simpleness of the vanilla flavored Huel myself.
It does not mix well with red wine. Now you know.
I’ve tried a few of these supplement and replacement shakes, bars, and powders. It’s not a losing or gaining weight thing for me, it’s the convenience. I live alone, I don’t cook for myself, and I get bored going out all the time. Shakes like this helps, making sure I don’t eat too little. Supplements like Huel will never replace actual food for me, I enjoy the experience of eating too much for that, but as a complement it makes sense.
Heatwaves are hard on people, especially the old and sick. Distributing something like Huel would be a good idea. People, young and old, have a tendency to drink too little fluids, or mix up what sort of fluids they need. They also eat too little when it’s hot, because who has any appetite when you can hardly breathe, and are sweating and overheating all the time? I don’t think we should swap out clean and pure food for powder, even if it’s vegan and whatnot, but surely there’s a place for something like this in today’s resource-strained world?
You don’t even have to want to save the world to recommend powder-based food. Just look at obesity, and how expensive it is to eat right. Huel isn’t cheap, but it’s not expensive either. They’re pitching it at $2/meal, or something like that. That sounds about right, and compared to Swedish standards, it’s cheap. So drinking a complete meal is actually saving me money, makes me drink more fluids, and is (supposedly) good for the environment. I feel I can get behind this, despite the overdone tech-bro branding Huel and its ilk are relying on.
Five Things (May 28, 2018)
Is May almost over already? That went quick. Here’s a list of five things I’ve enjoyed the last month and a half, since I last did one of these things. It might surprise you…
- Suits. Yes, suits. It might chock some of you, but I’ve been spending a lot of time wearing suits the past months. Work has demanded it, and I don’t mind a good suit. A shitty one, now that’s a different story. Tiger of Sweden is my brand of choice, paired with a plain black tee or an Eton shirt.
- Pocket Run Pool is a fun little iOS game by Zach Gage, known for other fun games. The game is free but you should pay to remove the ads because it’s important to support indie developers.
- The sun requires sunglasses. I’m loving my Ray-Ban Wayfarers, which should come as no surprise to anyone who’s been stalking my Instagram. Such a classic model.
- Dropbox Paper, the markdown powered Google Docs challenger, has gone from a buggy experience to a pretty decent service. There’s a lot of things I like from Quip in there too. Giving it a serious go for some projects right now.
- I’m having fun with Korg Gadget on my iPad. If you’re into synthesizers and/or digital music, this might be a thing for you. It’s available on several platforms.
I love hearing about things you use and like. Hit me up on Twitter or drop me a line. Previous lists can be found here.
Five things (April 3rd, 2018)
Traveling is a big part of my life at the moment, mostly for work, but still. It has obviously made me reconsider some things in my setup, and also been top of mind the past few months.
Here are five not completely travel related things for you, in no particular order as usual.
- I travel a lot, which means that I put a lot of value in a good pair of noise-cancellation headphones. People keeping tabs on my setup know that I’ve switched to Bowers & Wilkins PX, and I couldn’t be happier. Great headphones, recommended.
- Speaking of travel, Zürich is treating my oyster cravings well. No trips planned in April so I guess I’ll just have to find the best oysters in Stockholm then.
- I wish there was a decent blogging app for iOS. Alas, none does it for me, so all my posts are copied as HTML and pasted into the WordPress admin interface. It works well enough on an iPad, but the UI is sorely lacking on smaller screens. (I’m tapping this on my phone in the bath, by the way.)
- Love the Rimowa Classic Flight Cabin Multiwheel! Didn’t think I’d move from backpack to something with wheels, but this is just plain great.
- Finally, my Peg & Awl’s Hunters Satchel was every bit as lovely as I hoped. I got it with my initials, obviously. It’s become my daily carry, and I can’t see that changing anytime soon.
As always, I love hearing about things you use and like. Hit me up on Twitter or drop me a line. Here are some older five things lists.
Five things (March 2nd, 2018)
I haven’t done one of these things in a while. Since I’m home sick today, I figured it might be fitting to stick to the lighter side of things.
Here are five things, in no particular order, that’s been on my radar recently.
- I’m testing the Kronaby smartwatch at the moment. It’s a Swedish product, resembling a traditional watch more than anything you’d see from the tech giants. No LCD screen or anything, just a mechanical watch with smartwatch features. Intriguing.
- I’m finally reading I’m Your Man: The Life of Leonard Cohen, the autobiography by Sylvie Simmons from 2012. It’s interesting and dense, full with anecdotes and quotes from people who, supposedly, were there. It doesn’t have his last few years though. You should check it out if you’re a Cohen fan.
- Jamstik is a bluetooth guitar controller thingie with corresponding apps to help you learn (or re-learn, as it were) to play. It’s plasticky and small for a big guy like me, but I like it and play it every now and then when I’m in Stockholm.
- My 15″ MacBook Pro with Touch Bar is getting a lot more use than I’ve planned. I’m in production at the moment, and I do appreciate both the larger screen (coming from the 12″ MacBook) and the keyboard. And yes, I like the Touch Bar, embrace it!
- Alto’s Odyssey is an enjoyable sequel to Alto’s Adventure, the snowboarding game. Desert sand has replaced snow, and this time the game evolves s bit the more you play. Don’t fool yourself though, this is just more of the same, which is good enough for me in small doses.
Got something you really think I should check out? I don’t care if it’s a book, a TV show, an app, or a gadget. Let me know on Twitter, because everyone needs more stuff in their lives… Or at least, better stuff. Yeah, that’s the one.